Coding Assistance
Submit OCA Form - Part A
A downloadable version of OCA Form - Part A is available below. Please answer the items on the form to the best of your ability and submit your form to the National Center for O*NET Development, using the address information provided below. The form is provided in two formats: Microsoft Word and Adobe PDF. The latter format requires the freely available Adobe Reader software. (Download Adobe Reader
The National Center for O*NET Development will process your request within 14 business days. If we need additional information, we will contact you using the information you provide on the completed form. After completing our analysis of your request, we will send you an OCA Form - Part B that will identify and explain the code assignment.
OCA Form - Part A (DOC - 163 KB)
Note: Using the MS Word version, you may download and complete the form at your work station and both save and print the form. To take advantage of the built-in spell-check functionality, you must enable macros in MS Word. You can return the form to the O*NET Center as an email attachment or by mail.
OCA Form - Part A (PDF - 36 KB)
Note: Using the PDF version, you can print the form and manually complete it. Then, mail it back to the National Center for O*NET Development.
OCA Specialist, O*NET Project
Employment and Training Administration
U.S. Department of Labor
Mail Stop C4526
200 Constitution Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20210
Email: O*NET Occupational Code Assignment (