Conduct research in fundamental mathematics or in application of mathematical techniques to science, management, and other fields. Solve problems in various fields using mathematical methods.
- Computational Mathematician
- Computational Scientist
- Cryptographer
- Cryptographic Vulnerability Analyst
- Image Scientist
- Knowledge Engineer
- Mathematician
- Research Computing Specialist
- Research Scientist
- Researcher
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 All 10 displayed
 5 of 11 displayed
- Address the relationships of quantities, magnitudes, and forms through the use of numbers and symbols.
- Apply mathematical theories and techniques to the solution of practical problems in business, engineering, the sciences, or other fields.
- Assemble sets of assumptions, and explore the consequences of each set.
- Conduct research to extend mathematical knowledge in traditional areas, such as algebra, geometry, probability, and logic.
- Design, analyze, and decipher encryption systems designed to transmit military, political, financial, or law-enforcement-related information in code.
 All 11 displayed
- Address the relationships of quantities, magnitudes, and forms through the use of numbers and symbols.
- Apply mathematical theories and techniques to the solution of practical problems in business, engineering, the sciences, or other fields.
- Assemble sets of assumptions, and explore the consequences of each set.
- Conduct research to extend mathematical knowledge in traditional areas, such as algebra, geometry, probability, and logic.
- Design, analyze, and decipher encryption systems designed to transmit military, political, financial, or law-enforcement-related information in code.
- Develop computational methods for solving problems that occur in areas of science and engineering or that come from applications in business or industry.
- Develop mathematical or statistical models of phenomena to be used for analysis or for computational simulation.
- Develop new principles and new relationships between existing mathematical principles to advance mathematical science.
- Disseminate research by writing reports, publishing papers, or presenting at professional conferences.
- Maintain knowledge in the field by reading professional journals, talking with other mathematicians, and attending professional conferences.
- Perform computations and apply methods of numerical analysis to data.
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- Analyze data to identify trends or relationships among variables.
- Analyze security of systems, network, or data.
- Apply mathematical principles or statistical approaches to solve problems in scientific or applied fields.
- Design computer modeling or simulation programs.
- Determine appropriate methods for data analysis.
 All 12 displayed
- Analyze data to identify trends or relationships among variables.
- Analyze security of systems, network, or data.
- Apply mathematical principles or statistical approaches to solve problems in scientific or applied fields.
- Design computer modeling or simulation programs.
- Determine appropriate methods for data analysis.
- Develop computer or information security policies or procedures.
- Develop scientific or mathematical models.
- Prepare analytical reports.
- Present research results to others.
- Review professional literature to maintain professional knowledge.
- Update knowledge about emerging industry or technology trends.
- Update professional knowledge.
 4 of 19 displayed
- CWO - Information Warfare Technician (Navy - Warrant Officer only)
- CWO - Oceanography Warrant Officer (Navy - Warrant Officer only)
- Operations Research/Systems Analysis (Army - Commissioned Officer only)
- Research and Engineering (Army - Commissioned Officer only)
 All 19 displayed
- CWO - Information Warfare Technician (Navy - Warrant Officer only)
- CWO - Oceanography Warrant Officer (Navy - Warrant Officer only)
- Defense Systems Analyst (Marine Corps - Commissioned Officer only)
- LDO - Information Warfare (Navy - Commissioned Officer only)
- Mathematics Research Officer (Navy - Commissioned or Warrant Officer)
- Modeling and Simulation Officer (Marine Corps - Commissioned Officer only)
- Operations Analyst (Marine Corps - Commissioned Officer only)
- Operations Analyst (Navy - Commissioned or Warrant Officer)
- Operations Research and Data Analytics (Coast Guard - Commissioned Officer only)
- Operations Research Specialist (Marine Corps - Commissioned Officer only)
- Operations Research/Systems Analysis (Army - Commissioned Officer only)
- Research and Engineering (Army - Commissioned Officer only)
- RL - Special Duty Officer (Oceanography) (Navy - Commissioned Officer only)
- RL - Special Duty Officer - Information Warfare Officer (Navy - Commissioned Officer only)
- Statistical Data Analyst (Navy - Commissioned or Warrant Officer)
- Test and Evaluation (Army - Commissioned Officer only)
- Trained Operations Research/System Analysis (ORSA) (Army - Commissioned Officer only)
- Untrained Operations Research/System Analysis (ORSA) (Army - Commissioned Officer only)
- Weapons Technical Officer (Navy - Commissioned or Warrant Officer)
No information available.