Devise methods to improve oil and gas extraction and production and determine the need for new or modified tool designs. Oversee drilling and offer technical advice.
- Completion Engineer
- Drilling Engineer
- Engineer
- Operations Engineer
- Petroleum Engineer
- Petroleum Production Engineer
- Project Production Engineer
- Project Reservoir Engineer
- Reservoir Engineer
- Reservoir Engineering Consultant
 5 of 10 displayed
 All 10 displayed
 5 of 23 displayed
- Analyze data to recommend placement of wells and supplementary processes to enhance production.
- Assess costs and estimate the production capabilities and economic value of oil and gas wells, to evaluate the economic viability of potential drilling sites.
- Assign work to staff to obtain maximum utilization of personnel.
- Assist engineering and other personnel to solve operating problems.
- Conduct engineering research experiments to improve or modify mining and oil machinery and operations.
 All 23 displayed
- Analyze data to recommend placement of wells and supplementary processes to enhance production.
- Assess costs and estimate the production capabilities and economic value of oil and gas wells, to evaluate the economic viability of potential drilling sites.
- Assign work to staff to obtain maximum utilization of personnel.
- Assist engineering and other personnel to solve operating problems.
- Conduct engineering research experiments to improve or modify mining and oil machinery and operations.
- Confer with scientific, engineering, and technical personnel to resolve design, research, and testing problems.
- Coordinate activities of workers engaged in research, planning, and development.
- Coordinate the installation, maintenance, and operation of mining and oil field equipment.
- Design and implement environmental controls on oil and gas operations.
- Design or modify mining and oil field machinery and tools, applying engineering principles.
- Develop plans for oil and gas field drilling, and for product recovery and treatment.
- Direct and monitor the completion and evaluation of wells, well testing, or well surveys.
- Evaluate findings to develop, design, or test equipment or processes.
- Inspect oil and gas wells to determine that installations are completed.
- Interpret drilling and testing information for personnel.
- Maintain records of drilling and production operations.
- Monitor production rates, and plan rework processes to improve production.
- Simulate reservoir performance for different recovery techniques, using computer models.
- Specify and supervise well modification and stimulation programs to maximize oil and gas recovery.
- Supervise the removal of drilling equipment, the removal of any waste, and the safe return of land to structural stability when wells or pockets are exhausted.
- Take samples to assess the amount and quality of oil, the depth at which resources lie, and the equipment needed to properly extract them.
- Test machinery and equipment to ensure that it is safe and conforms to performance specifications.
- Write technical reports for engineering and management personnel.
 5 of 25 displayed
- Analyze costs and benefits of proposed designs or projects.
- Analyze physical, survey, or geographic data.
- Collect samples of raw materials or finished products.
- Confer with other personnel to resolve design or operational problems.
- Create models of engineering designs or methods.
 All 25 displayed
- Analyze costs and benefits of proposed designs or projects.
- Analyze physical, survey, or geographic data.
- Collect samples of raw materials or finished products.
- Confer with other personnel to resolve design or operational problems.
- Create models of engineering designs or methods.
- Design environmental control systems.
- Design industrial equipment.
- Determine operational methods.
- Develop technical methods or processes.
- Direct design or development activities.
- Direct energy production or management activities.
- Direct equipment maintenance or repair activities.
- Direct installation activities.
- Direct quality control activities.
- Explain engineering drawings, specifications, or other technical information.
- Inspect equipment or systems.
- Interpret design or operational test results.
- Maintain operational records or records systems.
- Monitor the productivity or efficiency of industrial operations.
- Prepare detailed work plans.
- Prepare technical reports for internal use.
- Research advanced engineering designs or applications.
- Resolve operational performance problems.
- Supervise engineering or other technical personnel.
- Test performance of electrical, electronic, mechanical, or integrated systems or equipment.
- Fuels and Lubricants Technical Officer (Navy - Commissioned or Warrant Officer)
- Petroleum Production Engineering Officer (Navy - Commissioned or Warrant Officer)
No information available.
 4 of 7 displayed
- Chief Engineer
- Chief Engineer, Research
- Petroleum Engineer
- Research Engineer, Mining-and-Oil-Well Equipment
 All 7 displayed
- Chief Engineer
- Chief Engineer, Research
- Design Engineer, Mining-and-Oil-Field Equipment
- District Supervisor, Mud-Analysis Well Logging
- Petroleum Engineer
- Research Engineer, Mining-and-Oil-Well Equipment
- Test Engineer, Mining-and-Oil-Field Equipment