Study human society and social behavior by examining the groups and social institutions that people form, as well as various social, religious, political, and business organizations. May study the behavior and interaction of groups, trace their origin and growth, and analyze the influence of group activities on individual members.
- Demographer
- Evaluation Specialist
- Medical Sociologist
- Policy Analyst
- Research Associate
- Research Coordinator
- Research Scientist
- Research Specialist
- Social Scientist
- Sociologist
 5 of 10 displayed
 All 10 displayed
 5 of 15 displayed
- Analyze and interpret data to increase the understanding of human social behavior.
- Collaborate with research workers in other disciplines.
- Collect data about the attitudes, values, and behaviors of people in groups, using observation, interviews, and review of documents.
- Consult with and advise individuals such as administrators, social workers, and legislators regarding social issues and policies, as well as the implications of research findings.
- Develop approaches to the solution of groups' problems, based on research findings in sociology and related disciplines.
 All 15 displayed
- Analyze and interpret data to increase the understanding of human social behavior.
- Collaborate with research workers in other disciplines.
- Collect data about the attitudes, values, and behaviors of people in groups, using observation, interviews, and review of documents.
- Consult with and advise individuals such as administrators, social workers, and legislators regarding social issues and policies, as well as the implications of research findings.
- Develop approaches to the solution of groups' problems, based on research findings in sociology and related disciplines.
- Develop problem intervention procedures, using techniques such as interviews, consultations, role playing, and participant observation of group interactions.
- Develop, implement, and evaluate methods of data collection, such as questionnaires or interviews.
- Direct work of statistical clerks, statisticians, and others who compile and evaluate research data.
- Explain sociological research to the general public.
- Observe group interactions and role affiliations to collect data, identify problems, evaluate progress, and determine the need for additional change.
- Plan and conduct research to develop and test theories about societal issues such as crime, group relations, poverty, and aging.
- Prepare publications and reports containing research findings.
- Present research findings at professional meetings.
- Teach sociology.
- Write grants to obtain funding for research projects.
 5 of 16 displayed
- Advise others on matters of public policy.
- Collect information from people through observation, interviews, or surveys.
- Conduct research on social issues.
- Coordinate cross-disciplinary research programs.
- Design psychological or educational treatment procedures or programs.
 All 16 displayed
- Advise others on matters of public policy.
- Collect information from people through observation, interviews, or surveys.
- Conduct research on social issues.
- Coordinate cross-disciplinary research programs.
- Design psychological or educational treatment procedures or programs.
- Develop methods of social or economic research.
- Inform viewers, listeners, or audiences.
- Instruct college students in social sciences or humanities disciplines.
- Interpret research or operational data.
- Plan social sciences research.
- Prepare proposals or grant applications to obtain project funding.
- Prepare scientific or technical reports or presentations.
- Present information to the public.
- Present research results to others.
- Supervise scientific or technical personnel.
- Write grant proposals.
 4 of 43 displayed
- Advance Operational Support Specialist (Navy - Enlisted)
- Advanced Military Source Operations (MSO) Specialist (Navy - Enlisted)
- Human Intelligence Specialist Apprentice (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Human Intelligence Specialist Craftsman (Air Force - Enlisted)
 All 43 displayed
- Advance Operational Support Specialist (Navy - Enlisted)
- Advanced Military Source Operations (MSO) Specialist (Navy - Enlisted)
- All Source Intelligence Analyst (Air Force - Enlisted)
- All Source Intelligence Analyst Apprentice (Air Force - Enlisted)
- All Source Intelligence Analyst Craftsman (Air Force - Enlisted)
- All Source Intelligence Analyst Helper (Air Force - Enlisted)
- All Source Intelligence Analyst Journeyman (Air Force - Enlisted)
- All Source Intelligence Analyst-Cyber (Navy - Enlisted)
- All Source Intelligence Technician (Army - Warrant Officer only)
- Area Intelligence Technician (Army - Warrant Officer only)
- CI/HUMINT Cyber Specialist (Navy - Enlisted)
- Communication Strategy and Operations Planner (Marine Corps - Commissioned Officer only)
- Counterintelligence/Human Intelligence (CI/HUMINT) Specialist (Marine Corps - Enlisted)
- Counterintelligence/Human Source Intelligence (CI/HUMINT) Operations Officer (Marine Corps - Warrant Officer only)
- Counterintelligence/Human Source Intelligence Officer (Marine Corps - Commissioned Officer only)
- Cyberspace Language Analyst Operator (Navy - Enlisted)
- Defense HUMINT (Navy - Commissioned or Warrant Officer)
- Defense Interrogator (Navy - Enlisted)
- East Asia Area Specialist (Navy - Enlisted)
- Female Engagement Officer (Marine Corps - Commissioned Officer only)
- Female Engagement Specialist (Marine Corps - Enlisted)
- Human Intelligence Specialist (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Human Intelligence Specialist Apprentice (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Human Intelligence Specialist Craftsman (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Human Intelligence Specialist Helper (Air Force - Enlisted)
- HUMINT Management (Navy - Commissioned or Warrant Officer)
- Influence Chief (Marine Corps - Enlisted)
- Influence Officer (Marine Corps - Commissioned Officer only)
- Influence Specialist (Marine Corps - Enlisted)
- Instructor, Academic (Social Science) (Navy - Commissioned or Warrant Officer)
- Intelligence Operations and Fusion Warrant Officer (Marine Corps - Warrant Officer only)
- Military Government (Army - Commissioned Officer only)
- Military Source Operations (MSO) Specialist (Navy - Enlisted)
- Naval Attache (Assistant) (Navy - Commissioned or Warrant Officer)
- Navy HUMINT (Navy - Commissioned or Warrant Officer)
- Navy Tactical Counter-Intelligence and Human Intelligence (CI/HUMINT) Specialist (Navy - Enlisted)
- Operational Support Specialist (Navy - Enlisted)
- Psychological Operations (Army - Commissioned Officer only)
- Psychological Operations (PSYOP) Non-Commissioned Officer (Marine Corps - Enlisted)
- Psychological Operations (PSYOP) Officer (Marine Corps - Commissioned Officer only)
- Psychological Operations Officer (Navy - Commissioned Officer only)
- Psychological Operations Specialist (Army - Enlisted)
- Research Psychology (Army - Commissioned Officer only)
No information available.
- Clinical Sociologist
- Research Worker, Social Welfare