Teach courses pertaining to recreation, leisure, and fitness studies, including exercise physiology and facilities management. Includes both teachers primarily engaged in teaching and those who do a combination of teaching and research.
- Adjunct Professor
- Assistant Professor
- Associate Professor
- Health and Human Performance Professor
- Health and Physical Education Professor (HPE Professor)
- Health, Physical Education, and Recreation Professor (HPER Professor)
- Instructor
- Kinesiology Professor
- Physical Education Professor (PE Professor)
- Professor
5 of 10 displayed
All 10 displayed
5 of 23 displayed
- Act as advisers to student organizations.
- Advise students on academic and vocational curricula and on career issues.
- Collaborate with colleagues to address teaching and research issues.
- Compile bibliographies of specialized materials for outside reading assignments.
- Compile, administer, and grade examinations, or assign this work to others.
All 23 displayed
- Act as advisers to student organizations.
- Advise students on academic and vocational curricula and on career issues.
- Collaborate with colleagues to address teaching and research issues.
- Compile bibliographies of specialized materials for outside reading assignments.
- Compile, administer, and grade examinations, or assign this work to others.
- Conduct research in a particular field of knowledge and publish findings in professional journals, books, or electronic media.
- Evaluate and grade students' class work, assignments, and papers.
- Initiate, facilitate, and moderate classroom discussions.
- Keep abreast of developments in the field by reading current literature, talking with colleagues, and participating in professional conferences.
- Maintain regularly scheduled office hours to advise and assist students.
- Maintain student attendance records, grades, and other required records.
- Participate in campus and community events.
- Participate in student recruitment, registration, and placement activities.
- Perform administrative duties, such as serving as department heads.
- Plan, evaluate, and revise curricula, course content, course materials, and methods of instruction.
- Prepare and deliver lectures to undergraduate or graduate students on topics such as anatomy, therapeutic recreation, and conditioning theory.
- Prepare course materials, such as syllabi, homework assignments, and handouts.
- Prepare students to act as sports coaches.
- Provide professional consulting services to government or industry.
- Select and obtain materials and supplies, such as textbooks.
- Serve on academic or administrative committees that deal with institutional policies, departmental matters, and academic issues.
- Supervise undergraduate or graduate teaching, internship, and research work.
- Write grant proposals to procure external research funding.
5 of 26 displayed
- Administer tests to assess educational needs or progress.
- Advise educators on curricula, instructional methods, or policies.
- Advise students on academic or career matters.
- Attend training sessions or professional meetings to develop or maintain professional knowledge.
- Compile specialized bibliographies or lists of materials.
All 26 displayed
- Administer tests to assess educational needs or progress.
- Advise educators on curricula, instructional methods, or policies.
- Advise students on academic or career matters.
- Attend training sessions or professional meetings to develop or maintain professional knowledge.
- Compile specialized bibliographies or lists of materials.
- Develop instructional materials.
- Develop instructional objectives.
- Direct department activities.
- Evaluate effectiveness of educational programs.
- Evaluate student work.
- Guide class discussions.
- Maintain student records.
- Order instructional or library materials or equipment.
- Perform student enrollment or registration activities.
- Plan community programs or activities for the general public.
- Prepare tests.
- Promote educational institutions or programs.
- Research topics in area of expertise.
- Select educational materials or equipment.
- Serve on institutional or departmental committees.
- Stay informed about current developments in field of specialization.
- Supervise student research or internship work.
- Teach physical education.
- Teach physical science or mathematics courses at the college level.
- Write articles, books or other original materials in area of expertise.
- Write grant proposals.
4 of 37 displayed
- Aerospace and Operational Physiology (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Aerospace and Operational Physiology Apprentice (Air Force - Enlisted)
- USMA, Professor of Army Cyber (Army - Commissioned Officer only)
- USMA, Professor of Army War College (Army - Commissioned Officer only)
All 37 displayed
- Aerospace and Operational Physiology (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Aerospace and Operational Physiology Apprentice (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Aerospace and Operational Physiology Craftsman (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Aerospace and Operational Physiology Helper (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Aerospace and Operational Physiology Journeyman (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Aerospace and Operational Physiology Superintendent (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Education And Training (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Education And Training Apprentice (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Education And Training Craftsman (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Education And Training Helper (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Education and Training Journeyman (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Education And Training Superintendent (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Force Fitness Instructor Officer (Marine Corps - Commissioned Officer only)
- Hospital Corpsman (Navy - Enlisted)
- Instructor (Air Force - Commissioned Officer only)
- Instructor, Officer Training School (Air Force - Commissioned Officer only)
- Physical Training Officer (Navy - Commissioned or Warrant Officer)
- USMA, Professor (Army - Commissioned Officer only)
- USMA, Professor and Associate Dean (Army - Commissioned Officer only)
- USMA, Professor of Army Cyber (Army - Commissioned Officer only)
- USMA, Professor of Army War College (Army - Commissioned Officer only)
- USMA, Professor of Behavioral Sciences and Leadership (Army - Commissioned Officer only)
- USMA, Professor of Chemistry (Army - Commissioned Officer only)
- USMA, Professor of Civil and Mechanical Engineering (Army - Commissioned Officer only)
- USMA, Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (Army - Commissioned Officer only)
- USMA, Professor of English (Army - Commissioned Officer only)
- USMA, Professor of Foreign Languages (Army - Commissioned Officer only)
- USMA, Professor of Geography and Environmental Engineering (Army - Commissioned Officer only)
- USMA, Professor of History (Army - Commissioned Officer only)
- USMA, Professor of Law (Army - Commissioned Officer only)
- USMA, Professor of Leader Development and Organizational Learning (Army - Commissioned Officer only)
- USMA, Professor of Mathematical Sciences (Army - Commissioned Officer only)
- USMA, Professor of Military Instruction and Ethics (Army - Commissioned Officer only)
- USMA, Professor of Physical Education (Army - Commissioned Officer only)
- USMA, Professor of Physics (Army - Commissioned Officer only)
- USMA, Professor of Social Sciences (Army - Commissioned Officer only)
- USMA, Professor of Systems Engineering (Army - Commissioned Officer only)
No information available.
- Faculty Member, College or University
- Instructor, Physical Education