Diagnose, treat, and prevent disorders by stimulating specific acupuncture points within the body using acupuncture needles. May also use cups, nutritional supplements, therapeutic massage, acupressure, and other alternative health therapies.
- Acupuncture Physician
- Acupuncture Provider
- Acupuncturist
- Chinese Medical Doctor
- Herbalist
- Licensed Acupuncturist (LAC)
- Oriental Medicine Provider
- Traditional Chinese Medicine Doctor
- Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner
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- Adhere to local, state, and federal laws, regulations, and statutes.
- Analyze physical findings and medical histories to make diagnoses according to Oriental medicine traditions.
- Apply heat or cold therapy to patients using materials, such as heat pads, hydrocollator packs, warm compresses, cold compresses, heat lamps, or vapor coolants.
- Apply moxibustion directly or indirectly to patients using Chinese, non-scarring, stick, or pole moxa.
- Assess patients' general physical appearance to make diagnoses.
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- Adhere to local, state, and federal laws, regulations, and statutes.
- Analyze physical findings and medical histories to make diagnoses according to Oriental medicine traditions.
- Apply heat or cold therapy to patients using materials, such as heat pads, hydrocollator packs, warm compresses, cold compresses, heat lamps, or vapor coolants.
- Apply moxibustion directly or indirectly to patients using Chinese, non-scarring, stick, or pole moxa.
- Assess patients' general physical appearance to make diagnoses.
- Collect medical histories and general health and lifestyle information from patients.
- Consider Western medical procedures in health assessment, health care team communication, and care referrals.
- Develop individual treatment plans and strategies.
- Dispense herbal formulas and inform patients of dosages and frequencies, treatment duration, possible side effects, and drug interactions.
- Educate patients on topics, such as meditation, ergonomics, stretching, exercise, nutrition, the healing process, breathing, or relaxation techniques.
- Evaluate treatment outcomes and recommend new or altered treatments as necessary to further promote, restore, or maintain health.
- Formulate herbal preparations to treat conditions considering herbal properties, such as taste, toxicity, effects of preparation, contraindications, and incompatibilities.
- Identify correct anatomical and proportional point locations based on patients' anatomy and positions, contraindications, and precautions related to treatments, such as intradermal needles, moxibustion, electricity, guasha, or bleeding.
- Insert needles to provide acupuncture treatment.
- Maintain and follow standard quality, safety, environmental, and infection control policies and procedures.
- Maintain detailed and complete records of health care plans and prognoses.
- Treat medical conditions, using techniques such as acupressure, shiatsu, or tuina.
- Treat patients using tools, such as needles, cups, ear balls, seeds, pellets, or nutritional supplements.
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- Advise patients on effects of health conditions or treatments.
- Analyze test data or images to inform diagnosis or treatment.
- Collect medical information from patients, family members, or other medical professionals.
- Develop treatment plans that use non-medical therapies.
- Evaluate patient outcomes to determine effectiveness of treatments.
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- Advise patients on effects of health conditions or treatments.
- Analyze test data or images to inform diagnosis or treatment.
- Collect medical information from patients, family members, or other medical professionals.
- Develop treatment plans that use non-medical therapies.
- Evaluate patient outcomes to determine effectiveness of treatments.
- Evaluate treatment options to guide medical decisions.
- Examine patients to assess general physical condition.
- Follow protocols or regulations for healthcare activities.
- Prepare medications or medical solutions.
- Prescribe treatments or therapies.
- Record patient medical histories.
- Train patients, family members, or caregivers in techniques for managing disabilities or illnesses.
- Treat patients using alternative medical procedures.
- Treat patients using physical therapy techniques.
- General Practice Physician (Air Force - Commissioned Officer only)
No information available.