Operate one or more of a variety of office machines, such as photocopying, photographic, and duplicating machines, or other office machines.
- Copy Center Operator
- Copy Machine Operator
- Copy Technician
- Graphics Production Specialist
- Key Operator
- Machine Operator
- Printing Services Coordinator
- Reprographics Technician
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 All 10 displayed
 5 of 18 displayed
- Clean and file master copies or plates.
- Clean machines, perform minor repairs, and report major repair needs.
- Complete records of production, including work volumes and outputs, materials used, and any backlogs.
- Compute prices for services and receive payment, or provide supervisors with billing information.
- Cut copies apart and write identifying information, such as page numbers or titles, on copies.
 All 18 displayed
- Clean and file master copies or plates.
- Clean machines, perform minor repairs, and report major repair needs.
- Complete records of production, including work volumes and outputs, materials used, and any backlogs.
- Compute prices for services and receive payment, or provide supervisors with billing information.
- Cut copies apart and write identifying information, such as page numbers or titles, on copies.
- Deliver completed work.
- File and store completed documents.
- Load machines with materials such as blank paper or film.
- Maintain stock of supplies, and requisition any needed items.
- Monitor machine operation, and make adjustments as necessary to ensure proper operation.
- Move heat units and clamping frames over screen beds to form Braille impressions on pages, raising frames to release individual copies.
- Operate auxiliary machines such as collators, pad and tablet making machines, staplers, and paper punching, folding, cutting, and perforating machines.
- Operate office machines such as high speed business photocopiers, readers, scanners, addressing machines, stencil-cutting machines, microfilm readers or printers, folding and inserting machines, bursters, and binder machines.
- Place original copies in feed trays, feed originals into feed rolls, or position originals on tables beneath camera lenses.
- Prepare and process papers for use in scanning, microfilming, and microfiche.
- Read job orders to determine the type of work to be done, the quantities to be produced, and the materials needed.
- Set up and adjust machines, regulating factors such as speed, ink flow, focus, and number of copies.
- Sort, assemble, and proof completed work.
 5 of 17 displayed
- Adjust office equipment to ensure proper operation.
- Attach identification information to products, items or containers.
- Calculate costs of goods or services.
- Clean facilities or equipment.
- Collect deposits, payments or fees.
 All 17 displayed
- Adjust office equipment to ensure proper operation.
- Attach identification information to products, items or containers.
- Calculate costs of goods or services.
- Clean facilities or equipment.
- Collect deposits, payments or fees.
- Compile data or documentation.
- Deliver items.
- Maintain office equipment in proper operating condition.
- Monitor equipment operation to ensure proper functioning.
- Operate office equipment.
- Order materials, supplies, or equipment.
- Provide information to coworkers.
- Read work orders to determine material or setup requirements.
- Record production information.
- Report maintenance or equipment problems to appropriate personnel.
- Sort materials or products.
- Store records or related materials.
- Administrative Assistant (Navy - Enlisted)
- Basic Personnel and Administration Marine (Marine Corps - Enlisted)
- Public Affairs Specialist (Coast Guard - Enlisted)
- Public Information Specialty (Coast Guard - Warrant Officer only)
- Unit Supply Specialist (Army - Enlisted)
- Yeoman (Coast Guard - Enlisted)
No information available.
- Braille-Duplicating-Machine Operator
- Duplicating-Machine Operator I
- Duplicating-Machine Operator II
- Offset-Duplicating-Machine Operator
- Photocopying-Machine Operator
- Photographic-Machine Operator