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Farmworkers, Farm, Ranch, and Aquacultural Animals - 45-2093.00

O*NET-SOC Description

Attend to live farm, ranch, open range or aquacultural animals that may include cattle, sheep, swine, goats, horses and other equines, poultry, rabbits, finfish, shellfish, and bees. Attend to animals produced for animal products, such as meat, fur, skins, feathers, eggs, milk, and honey. Duties may include feeding, watering, herding, grazing, milking, castrating, branding, de-beaking, weighing, catching, and loading animals. May maintain records on animals; examine animals to detect diseases and injuries; assist in birth deliveries; and administer medications, vaccinations, or insecticides as appropriate. May clean and maintain animal housing areas. Includes workers who shear wool from sheep and collect eggs in hatcheries.

Sample of Reported Job Titles

  • Cowboy
  • Farm Hand
  • Farrowing Worker
  • Herdsman
  • Livestock Handler
  • Milking Worker
  • Ranch Hand
  • Rancher
  • Vaccinator
  • Wrangler

SOC Occupation Groups

45-0000 Farming, Fishing, and Forestry Occupations
45-2000 Agricultural Workers
45-2090 Miscellaneous Agricultural Workers
45-2093.00 Farmworkers, Farm, Ranch, and Aquacultural Animals

Related Occupations


  • Clean stalls, pens, and equipment, using disinfectant solutions, brushes, shovels, water hoses, or pumps.
  • Drive trucks, tractors, and other equipment to distribute feed to animals.
  • Examine animals to detect illness, injury, or disease, and to check physical characteristics, such as rate of weight gain.
  • Feed and water livestock and monitor food and water supplies.
  • Groom, clip, trim, or castrate animals, dock ears and tails, or shear coats to collect hair.
  • Herd livestock to pastures for grazing or to scales, trucks, or other enclosures.
  • Inspect, maintain, and repair equipment, machinery, buildings, pens, yards, and fences.
  • Maintain growth, feeding, production, and cost records.
  • Mark livestock to identify ownership and grade, using brands, tags, paint, or tattoos.
  • Mix feed, additives, and medicines in prescribed portions.
  • Move equipment, poultry, or livestock from one location to another, manually or using trucks or carts.
  • Order food for animals, and arrange for its delivery.
  • Patrol grazing lands on horseback or using all-terrain vehicles.
  • Perform duties related to livestock reproduction, such as breeding animals within appropriate timeframes, performing artificial inseminations, and helping with animal births.
  • Protect herds from predators, using trained dogs.
  • Provide medical treatment, such as administering medications and vaccinations, or arrange for veterinarians to provide more extensive treatment.
  • Segregate animals according to weight, age, color, and physical condition.
  • Shift animals between grazing areas to ensure that they have sufficient access to food.
  • Spray livestock with disinfectants and insecticides, or dip or bathe animals.

Detailed Work Activities

  • Care for animals.
  • Classify organisms based on their characteristics or behavior.
  • Clean equipment or facilities.
  • Examine animals to detect illness, injury or other problems.
  • Maintain forestry, hunting, or agricultural equipment.
  • Maintain inventories of materials, equipment, or products.
  • Maintain operational records.
  • Mark agricultural or forestry products for identification.
  • Operate farming equipment.
  • Perform animal breeding procedures.
  • Prepare materials or solutions for animal or plant use.
  • Transport animals, crops, or equipment.
  • Treat animal injuries or illnesses.

Military Crosswalk Titles

  • Animal Care Specialist (Army - Enlisted)
  • Marine Mammal Systems Operator (Navy - Enlisted)

Apprenticeship Crosswalk Titles

  • Fish Hatchery Worker

DOT Crosswalk Titles

  • Bee Worker
  • Caponizer
  • Cowpuncher
  • Farmworker, Dairy
  • Farmworker, General II
  • Farmworker, Livestock
  • Farmworker, Poultry
  • Fish Hatchery Worker
  • Fleece Tier
  • Game-Farm Helper
  • Goat Herder
  • Laborer, Aquatic Life
  • Laborer, Poultry Farm
  • Laborer, Poultry Hatchery
  • Lamber
  • Livestock-Yard Attendant
  • Milker, Machine
  • Poultry Debeaker
  • Poultry Farmer
  • Poultry Tender
  • Poultry Vaccinator
  • Sheep Herder
  • Sheep Shearer
  • Soft Crab Shedder
  • Worm Packer
  • Worm-Farm Laborer