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Occupation information matching Teacher
25-2055.00   Special Education Teachers, Kindergarten

Special Education Teachers, Kindergarten
Lay Titles
Adapted Physical Education Teacher
Blind Teacher
Braille Teacher
Cross-Categorical Special Education Teacher
DD Special Education Teacher
Developmentally Delayed Special Education Teacher
Emotional Disabilities Teacher
Emotional Support Teacher
Exceptional Needs Teacher
HI Itinerant Teacher
Hearing Impaired Teacher
Hearing Impaired Itinerant Teacher
Home Therapy Teacher
Inclusion Special Education Teacher
Integrated Program Teacher
Learning Disabilities Teacher
Learning Disabled Teacher
Learning Support Teacher
Learning and Behavioral Disabilities Teacher
Lip Reading Teacher
Mentally Retarded Teacher
Mildly Disabled Student Special Education Teacher
Multi-Handicapped Students Special Education Teacher
Physically Impaired Teacher
Primary Special Education Teacher
Profound Mental Handicaps Special Education Teacher
Resource Program Teacher
Resource Room Special Education Teacher
Self Contained Special Education Teacher
Severe Emotional Behavioral Disorders Teacher
Severe Mental Handicaps Special Education Teacher
Sign Language Teacher
Special Education Teacher
Special Education Inclusion Teacher
Special Education Kindergarten Teacher
Special Education Resource Teacher
Special Needs Teacher
O*NET SOC Description
Teach academic, social, and life skills to kindergarten students with learning, emotional, or physical disabilities. Includes teachers who specialize and work with students who are blind or have visual impairments; students who are deaf or have hearing impairments; and students with intellectual disabilities.
Teach socially acceptable behavior, employing techniques such as behavior modification or positive reinforcement.
Attend professional meetings, educational conferences, or teacher training workshops to maintain or improve professional competence.
Collaborate with other teachers or administrators to develop, evaluate, or revise kindergarten programs.
Confer with parents, guardians, teachers, counselors, or administrators to resolve students' behavioral or academic problems.
Meet with parents or guardians to discuss their children's progress, advise them on using community resources, or teach skills for dealing with students' impairments.
Monitor teachers or teacher assistants to ensure adherence to special education program requirements.
Prepare assignments for teacher assistants or volunteers.
Visit schools to tutor students with sensory impairments or to consult with teachers regarding students' special needs.
Detailed Work Activities
Teach life skills.
Teach others to use technology or equipment.
Collaborate with other teaching professionals to develop educational programs.
Modify teaching methods or materials to accommodate student needs.