Obtain evidence, take statements, produce reports, and testify to findings regarding resolution of fraud allegations. May coordinate fraud detection and prevention activities.
- Anti-Fraud Operations Analyst
- Casino Gaming Regulator
- Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE)
- Confidential Investigator
- Financial Crimes Investigator
- Financial Investigator
- Forensic Accountant
- Fraud Analyst
- Investigator
- Special Investigations Unit Investigator (SIU Investigator)
5 of 10 displayed
All 10 displayed
5 of 23 displayed
- Advise businesses or agencies on ways to improve fraud detection.
- Analyze financial data to detect irregularities in areas such as billing trends, financial relationships, and regulatory compliance procedures.
- Arrest individuals to be charged with fraud.
- Conduct field surveillance to gather case-related information.
- Conduct in-depth investigations of suspicious financial activity, such as suspected money-laundering efforts.
All 23 displayed
- Advise businesses or agencies on ways to improve fraud detection.
- Analyze financial data to detect irregularities in areas such as billing trends, financial relationships, and regulatory compliance procedures.
- Arrest individuals to be charged with fraud.
- Conduct field surveillance to gather case-related information.
- Conduct in-depth investigations of suspicious financial activity, such as suspected money-laundering efforts.
- Coordinate investigative efforts with law enforcement officers and attorneys.
- Create and maintain logs, records, or databases of information about fraudulent activity.
- Design, implement, or maintain fraud detection tools or procedures.
- Document all investigative activities.
- Evaluate business operations to identify risk areas for fraud.
- Gather financial documents related to investigations.
- Interview witnesses or suspects and take statements.
- Lead, or participate in, fraud investigation teams.
- Maintain knowledge of current events and trends in such areas as money laundering and criminal tools and techniques.
- Negotiate with responsible parties to arrange for recovery of losses due to fraud.
- Obtain and serve subpoenas.
- Prepare evidence for presentation in court.
- Prepare written reports of investigation findings.
- Recommend actions in fraud cases.
- Research or evaluate new technologies for use in fraud detection systems.
- Review reports of suspected fraud to determine need for further investigation.
- Testify in court regarding investigation findings.
- Train others in fraud detection and prevention techniques.
5 of 21 displayed
- Advise others on business or operational matters.
- Advise others on legal or regulatory compliance matters.
- Analyze business or financial data.
- Apprehend criminal suspects.
- Assess risks to business operations.
All 21 displayed
- Advise others on business or operational matters.
- Advise others on legal or regulatory compliance matters.
- Analyze business or financial data.
- Apprehend criminal suspects.
- Assess risks to business operations.
- Collect evidence for legal proceedings.
- Detain suspects or witnesses.
- Develop business or financial information systems.
- Document information related to legal proceedings.
- Gather financial records.
- Inform individuals or organizations of status or findings.
- Interview witnesses, suspects, or claimants.
- Investigate legal issues.
- Maintain data in information systems or databases.
- Negotiate contracts with clients or service providers.
- Obtain documentation to authorize activities.
- Prepare legal or investigatory documentation.
- Supervise employees.
- Testify at legal or legislative proceedings.
- Train personnel to enhance job skills.
- Update professional knowledge.
4 of 17 displayed
- CID Special Agent (Army - Enlisted)
- CID Special Agent (Army - Warrant Officer only)
- Military Police Investigator (Marine Corps - Enlisted)
- Special Investigations (Air Force - Commissioned Officer only)
All 17 displayed
- CID Special Agent (Army - Enlisted)
- CID Special Agent (Army - Warrant Officer only)
- Criminal Investigation Officer (Marine Corps - Warrant Officer only)
- Criminal Investigator (CID) Agent (Marine Corps - Enlisted)
- Forensic Psycho-Physiologist (Polygraph Examiner) (Marine Corps - Enlisted)
- Investigations (Coast Guard - Warrant Officer only)
- Investigator (Coast Guard - Enlisted)
- Military Criminal Investigator (Navy - Enlisted)
- Military Investigator (Navy - Enlisted)
- Military Police Investigator (Marine Corps - Enlisted)
- Special Investigations (Air Force - Commissioned Officer only)
- Special Investigations (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Special Investigations Craftsman (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Special Investigations Helper (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Special Investigations Journeyman (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Special Investigations Manager (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Special Investigations Superintendent (Air Force - Enlisted)
No information available.