Build, install, test, or maintain robotic equipment or related automated production systems.
- Automation Technician
- Electrical and Instrumentation Technician (E and I Technician)
- Instrument and Automation Technician
- Instrument Specialist
- Instrument Technician
- Instrumentation and Controls Technician
- Instrumentation and Process Controls Technician
- Process Control Technician
- Programmable Logic Controllers Technician
 5 of 10 displayed
 All 10 displayed
 5 of 22 displayed
- Align, fit, or assemble components, using hand tools, power tools, fixtures, templates, or microscopes.
- Assist engineers in the design, configuration, or application of robotic systems.
- Attach wires between controllers.
- Build or assemble robotic devices or systems.
- Develop robotic path motions to maximize efficiency, safety, and quality.
 All 22 displayed
- Align, fit, or assemble components, using hand tools, power tools, fixtures, templates, or microscopes.
- Assist engineers in the design, configuration, or application of robotic systems.
- Attach wires between controllers.
- Build or assemble robotic devices or systems.
- Develop robotic path motions to maximize efficiency, safety, and quality.
- Develop three-dimensional simulations of automation systems.
- Document robotics test procedures and results.
- Evaluate the efficiency and reliability of industrial robotic systems, reprogramming or calibrating to achieve maximum quantity and quality.
- Fabricate housings, jigs, fittings, or fixtures, using metalworking machines.
- Inspect installation sites.
- Install new robotic systems in stationary positions or on tracks.
- Install, program, or repair programmable controllers, robot controllers, end-of-arm tools, or conveyors.
- Maintain inventories of robotic production supplies, such as sensors or cables.
- Maintain service records of robotic equipment or automated production systems.
- Make repairs to robots or peripheral equipment, such as replacement of defective circuit boards, sensors, controllers, encoders, or servomotors.
- Modify computer-controlled robot movements.
- Perform preventive or corrective maintenance on robotic systems or components.
- Program complex robotic systems, such as vision systems.
- Test performance of robotic assemblies, using instruments such as oscilloscopes, electronic voltmeters, or bridges.
- Train customers or other personnel to install, use, or maintain robots.
- Train robots, using artificial intelligence software or interactive training techniques, to perform simple or complex tasks, such as designing and carrying out a series of iterative tests of chemical samples.
- Troubleshoot robotic systems, using knowledge of microprocessors, programmable controllers, electronics, circuit analysis, mechanics, sensor or feedback systems, hydraulics, or pneumatics.
 5 of 18 displayed
- Assemble equipment or components.
- Calibrate scientific or technical equipment.
- Create graphical representations of industrial production systems.
- Design electromechanical equipment or systems.
- Determine causes of operational problems or failures.
 All 18 displayed
- Assemble equipment or components.
- Calibrate scientific or technical equipment.
- Create graphical representations of industrial production systems.
- Design electromechanical equipment or systems.
- Determine causes of operational problems or failures.
- Document design or operational test results.
- Evaluate characteristics of equipment or systems.
- Fabricate products or components using machine tools.
- Inspect facilities or sites to determine if they meet specifications or standards.
- Install production equipment or systems.
- Maintain electromechanical equipment.
- Maintain inventories of materials, equipment, or products.
- Maintain operational records or records systems.
- Prepare procedural documents.
- Program robotic equipment.
- Repair electronic equipment.
- Test performance of electrical, electronic, mechanical, or integrated systems or equipment.
- Train personnel on proper operational procedures.
 4 of 23 displayed
- Command and Control Systems Integrator (Army - Warrant Officer only)
- Developmental Engineer (Air Force - Commissioned Officer only)
- Developmental Engineer, General (Air Force - Commissioned Officer only)
- Developmental Engineer, Helicopter or EWO (Air Force - Commissioned Officer only)
 All 23 displayed
- Command and Control Systems Integrator (Army - Warrant Officer only)
- Developmental Engineer (Air Force - Commissioned Officer only)
- Developmental Engineer, ABM (Air Force - Commissioned Officer only)
- Developmental Engineer, Aeronautical (Air Force - Commissioned Officer only)
- Developmental Engineer, Airlift (Air Force - Commissioned Officer only)
- Developmental Engineer, Astronautical (Air Force - Commissioned Officer only)
- Developmental Engineer, Bomber (Air Force - Commissioned Officer only)
- Developmental Engineer, C2ISREW (Air Force - Commissioned Officer only)
- Developmental Engineer, Computer Systems (Air Force - Commissioned Officer only)
- Developmental Engineer, Electrical/Electronic (Air Force - Commissioned Officer only)
- Developmental Engineer, Fighter (Air Force - Commissioned Officer only)
- Developmental Engineer, Flight Test (Air Force - Commissioned Officer only)
- Developmental Engineer, General (Air Force - Commissioned Officer only)
- Developmental Engineer, Helicopter or EWO (Air Force - Commissioned Officer only)
- Developmental Engineer, Mechanical (Air Force - Commissioned Officer only)
- Developmental Engineer, Project (Air Force - Commissioned Officer only)
- Developmental Engineer, RPA (Air Force - Commissioned Officer only)
- Developmental Engineer, Special Operations (Air Force - Commissioned Officer only)
- Developmental Engineer, Systems/Industrial/Human Factors (Air Force - Commissioned Officer only)
- Developmental Engineer, Tanker (Air Force - Commissioned Officer only)
- Developmental Engineer, Trainer (Air Force - Commissioned Officer only)
- Electronics Maintenance Officer (Ground) (Marine Corps - Warrant Officer only)
- Electronics Specialty (Coast Guard - Warrant Officer only)