Build, install, test, or maintain optical or fiber optic equipment, such as lasers, lenses, or mirrors, using spectrometers, interferometers, or related equipment.
- Fiber Optics Instructor
- Fiber Optics Technician (Fiber Optics Tech)
- Laser Technician (Laser Tech)
- Optics Technician (Optics Tech)
- Optomechanical Technician (Optomechanical Tech)
- Photonics Laboratory Technician (Photonics Lab Tech)
- Photonics Technician (Photonics Tech)
- Ruling Technician (Ruling Tech)
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 All 10 displayed
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- Adjust or maintain equipment, such as lasers, laser systems, microscopes, oscilloscopes, pulse generators, power meters, beam analyzers, or energy measurement devices.
- Assemble components of energy-efficient optical communications systems involving photonic switches, optical backplanes, or optoelectronic interfaces.
- Assemble fiber optical, optoelectronic, or free-space optics components, subcomponents, assemblies, or subassemblies.
- Assemble or adjust parts or related electrical units of prototypes to prepare for testing.
- Assist engineers in the development of new products, fixtures, tools, or processes.
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- Adjust or maintain equipment, such as lasers, laser systems, microscopes, oscilloscopes, pulse generators, power meters, beam analyzers, or energy measurement devices.
- Assemble components of energy-efficient optical communications systems involving photonic switches, optical backplanes, or optoelectronic interfaces.
- Assemble fiber optical, optoelectronic, or free-space optics components, subcomponents, assemblies, or subassemblies.
- Assemble or adjust parts or related electrical units of prototypes to prepare for testing.
- Assist engineers in the development of new products, fixtures, tools, or processes.
- Assist scientists or engineers in the conduct of photonic experiments.
- Build prototype optomechanical devices for use in equipment such as aerial cameras, gun sights, or telescopes.
- Compute or record photonic test data.
- Design, build, or modify fixtures used to assemble parts.
- Document procedures, such as calibration of optical or fiber optic equipment.
- Fabricate devices, such as optoelectronic or semiconductor devices.
- Lay out cutting lines for machining, using drafting tools.
- Maintain clean working environments, according to clean room standards.
- Mix, pour, or use processing chemicals or gases according to safety standards or established operating procedures.
- Monitor inventory levels and order supplies as necessary.
- Optimize photonic process parameters by making prototype or production devices.
- Perform diagnostic analyses of processing steps, using analytical or metrological tools, such as microscopy, profilometry, or ellipsometry devices.
- Recommend optical or optic equipment design or material changes to reduce costs or processing times.
- Repair or calibrate products, such as surgical lasers.
- Set up or operate assembly or processing equipment, such as lasers, cameras, die bonders, wire bonders, dispensers, reflow ovens, soldering irons, die shears, wire pull testers, temperature or humidity chambers, or optical spectrum analyzers.
- Set up or operate prototype or test apparatus, such as control consoles, collimators, recording equipment, or cables.
- Splice fibers, using fusion splicing or other techniques.
- Terminate, cure, polish, or test fiber cables with mechanical connectors.
- Test or perform failure analysis for optomechanical or optoelectrical products, according to test plans.
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- Analyze operational data to evaluate operations, processes or products.
- Analyze test or validation data.
- Assemble equipment or components.
- Assemble precision electronics or optical equipment.
- Assist engineers or scientists with research.
 All 23 displayed
- Analyze operational data to evaluate operations, processes or products.
- Analyze test or validation data.
- Assemble equipment or components.
- Assemble precision electronics or optical equipment.
- Assist engineers or scientists with research.
- Calibrate scientific or technical equipment.
- Conduct quantitative failure analyses of operational data.
- Create physical models or prototypes.
- Create schematic drawings for electronics.
- Design electronic or computer equipment or instrumentation.
- Develop technical methods or processes.
- Document design or operational test results.
- Fabricate devices or components.
- Install instrumentation or electronic equipment or systems.
- Maintain clean work areas.
- Maintain electronic equipment.
- Maintain inventories of materials, equipment, or products.
- Operate industrial equipment.
- Prepare materials for processing.
- Prepare procedural documents.
- Purchase materials, equipment, or other resources.
- Recommend technical design or process changes to improve efficiency, quality, or performance.
- Test performance of electrical, electronic, mechanical, or integrated systems or equipment.
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- Electronics Specialty (Coast Guard - Warrant Officer only)
- Electronics Technician (Coast Guard - Enlisted)
- GCS MK 160 MOD 8/OSS MK 46 MOD 1 Fire Control Technician (Navy - Enlisted)
- Gun Computer System (GCS) MK 160 MOD 11/Electro-Optical Sensor System (EOSS) MK 20 MOD 0 Fire Control Technician (Navy - Enlisted)
 All 8 displayed
- Electronics Specialty (Coast Guard - Warrant Officer only)
- Electronics Technician (Coast Guard - Enlisted)
- Fire Controlman (AEGIS) (Navy - Enlisted)
- Fire Controlman (Navy - Enlisted)
- GCS MK 160 MOD 8/OSS MK 46 MOD 1 Fire Control Technician (Navy - Enlisted)
- Gun Computer System (GCS) MK 160 MOD 11/Electro-Optical Sensor System (EOSS) MK 20 MOD 0 Fire Control Technician (Navy - Enlisted)
- Scientific Applications Specialist (Air Force - Enlisted)
- SSDS MK-2 Maintenance Technician (Navy - Enlisted)
- Optics Manufacturing Technician