Investigate and inspect persons, common carriers, goods, and merchandise, arriving in or departing from the United States or between states to detect violations of immigration and customs laws and regulations.
- Canine Enforcement Officer (K-9 Enforcement Officer)
- Customs Inspector
- Customs Officer
- Import Specialist
- Special Agent
- US Customs and Border Protection Officer (US CBPO)
 5 of 10 displayed
 All 10 displayed
 5 of 11 displayed
- Collect samples of merchandise for examination, appraisal, or testing.
- Detain persons found to be in violation of customs or immigration laws and arrange for legal action, such as deportation.
- Determine duty and taxes to be paid on goods.
- Examine immigration applications, visas, and passports and interview persons to determine eligibility for admission, residence, and travel in the U.S.
- Inspect cargo, baggage, and personal articles entering or leaving U.S. for compliance with revenue laws and U.S. customs regulations.
 All 11 displayed
- Collect samples of merchandise for examination, appraisal, or testing.
- Detain persons found to be in violation of customs or immigration laws and arrange for legal action, such as deportation.
- Determine duty and taxes to be paid on goods.
- Examine immigration applications, visas, and passports and interview persons to determine eligibility for admission, residence, and travel in the U.S.
- Inspect cargo, baggage, and personal articles entering or leaving U.S. for compliance with revenue laws and U.S. customs regulations.
- Institute civil and criminal prosecutions and cooperate with other law enforcement agencies in the investigation and prosecution of those in violation of immigration or customs laws.
- Interpret and explain laws and regulations to travelers, prospective immigrants, shippers, and manufacturers.
- Investigate applications for duty refunds and petition for remission or mitigation of penalties when warranted.
- Locate and seize contraband, undeclared merchandise, and vehicles, aircraft, or boats that contain such merchandise.
- Record and report job-related activities, findings, transactions, violations, discrepancies, and decisions.
- Testify regarding decisions at immigration appeals or in federal court.
 5 of 14 displayed
- Calculate tax information.
- Collaborate with law enforcement or security agencies to share information.
- Confiscate prohibited or dangerous items.
- Detain suspects or witnesses.
- Examine personal documentation to ensure that it is valid.
 All 14 displayed
- Calculate tax information.
- Collaborate with law enforcement or security agencies to share information.
- Confiscate prohibited or dangerous items.
- Detain suspects or witnesses.
- Examine personal documentation to ensure that it is valid.
- Inform others about laws or regulations.
- Inspect cargo to identify potential hazards.
- Interview people to obtain information about actions or status of individuals.
- Investigate illegal or suspicious activities.
- Investigate legal issues.
- Locate suspicious objects or vehicles.
- Maintain operational records.
- Obtain property information.
- Testify at legal or legislative proceedings.
 4 of 64 displayed
- Aerospace Medical Service (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Aerospace Medical Service Apprentice (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Cryptologic Technician (Interpretive) (Navy - Enlisted)
- Human Intelligence Collector (Army - Enlisted)
 All 64 displayed
- Aerospace Medical Service (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Aerospace Medical Service Apprentice (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Aerospace Medical Service Apprentice, Aeromedical Education Technician (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Aerospace Medical Service Apprentice, Allergy/Immunization Technician (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Aerospace Medical Service Apprentice, Flight and Operational Medical Technician (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Aerospace Medical Service Apprentice, Independent Duty Medical Technician (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Aerospace Medical Service Apprentice, National Registry Paramedic (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Aerospace Medical Service Apprentice, Neurodiagnostic Medical Technician (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Aerospace Medical Service Craftsman (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Aerospace Medical Service Craftsman, Aeromedical Education Technician (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Aerospace Medical Service Craftsman, Allergy/Immunization Technician (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Aerospace Medical Service Craftsman, Flight and Operational Medical Technician (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Aerospace Medical Service Craftsman, Independent Duty Medical Technician (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Aerospace Medical Service Craftsman, National Registry Paramedic (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Aerospace Medical Service Craftsman, Neurodiagnostic Medical Technician (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Aerospace Medical Service Helper (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Aerospace Medical Service Helper, Aeromedical Education Technician (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Aerospace Medical Service Helper, Allergy/Immunization Technician (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Aerospace Medical Service Helper, Flight and Operational Medical Technician (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Aerospace Medical Service Helper, Independent Duty Medical Technician (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Aerospace Medical Service Helper, National Registry Paramedic (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Aerospace Medical Service Helper, Neurodiagnostic Medical Technician (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Aerospace Medical Service Journeyman (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Aerospace Medical Service Journeyman, Aeromedical Education Technician (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Aerospace Medical Service Journeyman, Allergy/Immunization Technician (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Aerospace Medical Service Journeyman, Flight and Operational Medical Technician (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Aerospace Medical Service Journeyman, Independent Duty Medical Technician (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Aerospace Medical Service Journeyman, National Registry Paramedic (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Aerospace Medical Service Journeyman, Neurodiagnostic Medical Technician (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Aerospace Medical Service Superintendent (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Combat Engineer (Army - Enlisted)
- Combat Medic Specialist (Army - Enlisted)
- Cryptologic Technician (Interpretive) (Navy - Enlisted)
- Human Intelligence Collector (Army - Enlisted)
- Human Intelligence Specialist (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Human Intelligence Specialist Apprentice (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Human Intelligence Specialist Craftsman (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Human Intelligence Specialist Helper (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Inspector (Navy - Enlisted)
- Intelligence Analyst (Army - Enlisted)
- Intelligence Specialist (Coast Guard - Enlisted)
- Investigations (Coast Guard - Warrant Officer only)
- Investigator (Coast Guard - Enlisted)
- Law Enforcement and Security Officer, Afloat (Navy - Commissioned or Warrant Officer)
- Law Enforcement and Security Officer, Shore Activity (Navy - Commissioned or Warrant Officer)
- Maritime Law Enforcement Specialist (Coast Guard - Warrant Officer only)
- Military Police (Army - Enlisted)
- Military Police Investigator (Marine Corps - Enlisted)
- Security Forces (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Security Forces Apprentice (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Security Forces Apprentice, Combat Arms (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Security Forces Apprentice, Military Working Dog Handler (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Security Forces Craftsman (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Security Forces Craftsman, Combat Arms (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Security Forces Helper (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Security Forces Helper, Combat Arms (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Security Forces Helper, Military Working Dog Handler (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Security Forces Journeyman (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Security Forces Journeyman, Combat Arms (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Security Forces Journeyman, Military Working Dog Handler (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Security Forces Superintendent (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Senior Military Police Sergeant (Army - Enlisted)
- Special Forces Medical Sergeant (Army - Enlisted)
- Unit Supply Specialist (Army - Enlisted)
No information available.
- Customs Import Specialist
- Customs Inspector
- Immigration Inspector
- Opener-Verifier-Packer, Customs
- Special Agent, Customs