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To display the occupations within a SOC Family, click on the title or associated + to expand the list. To find information about an O*NET-SOC occupation, click on its title.

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+      11-0000   Management Occupations
+      23-0000   Legal Occupations
+      31-0000   Healthcare Support Occupations
-      33-0000   Protective Service Occupations
            33-1011.00       First-Line Supervisors of Correctional Officers
            33-1012.00       First-Line Supervisors of Police and Detectives
            33-1021.00       First-Line Supervisors of Firefighting and Prevention Workers
            33-1091.00       First-Line Supervisors of Security Workers
            33-1099.00       First-Line Supervisors of Protective Service Workers, All Other
            33-2011.00       Firefighters
            33-2021.00       Fire Inspectors and Investigators
            33-2022.00       Forest Fire Inspectors and Prevention Specialists  Bright Outlook Bright Outlook  
            33-3011.00       Bailiffs
            33-3012.00       Correctional Officers and Jailers
            33-3021.00       Detectives and Criminal Investigators
            33-3021.02             Police Identification and Records Officers
            33-3021.06             Intelligence Analysts
            33-3031.00       Fish and Game Wardens
            33-3041.00       Parking Enforcement Workers
            33-3051.00       Police and Sheriff's Patrol Officers
            33-3051.04             Customs and Border Protection Officers
            33-3052.00       Transit and Railroad Police
            33-9011.00       Animal Control Workers
            33-9021.00       Private Detectives and Investigators
            33-9031.00       Gambling Surveillance Officers and Gambling Investigators
            33-9032.00       Security Guards Bright Outlook
            33-9091.00       Crossing Guards and Flaggers
            33-9092.00       Lifeguards, Ski Patrol, and Other Recreational Protective Service Workers Bright Outlook
            33-9093.00       Transportation Security Screeners
            33-9094.00       School Bus Monitors
            33-9099.00       Protective Service Workers, All Other
            33-9099.02             Retail Loss Prevention Specialists
+      41-0000   Sales and Related Occupations
+      51-0000   Production Occupations
+      55-0000   Military Specific Occupations