Make, repair, or replace upholstery for household furniture or transportation vehicles.
- Box Spring Upholsterer
- Furniture Upholsterer
- Inside Upholsterer
- Sofa Back Upholsterer
- Stapler
- Trimmer
- Upholstered Goods Crafter
- Upholsterer
- Upholstery Cutter
- Upholstery Trimmer
 5 of 10 displayed
 All 10 displayed
 5 of 22 displayed
- Adjust or replace webbing, padding, or springs, and secure them in place.
- Attach bindings or apply solutions to edges of cut material to prevent raveling.
- Attach fasteners, grommets, buttons, buckles, ornamental trim, and other accessories to covers or frames, using hand tools.
- Build furniture up with loose fiber stuffing, cotton, felt, or foam padding to form smooth, rounded surfaces.
- Collaborate with interior designers to decorate rooms and coordinate furnishing fabrics.
 All 22 displayed
- Adjust or replace webbing, padding, or springs, and secure them in place.
- Attach bindings or apply solutions to edges of cut material to prevent raveling.
- Attach fasteners, grommets, buttons, buckles, ornamental trim, and other accessories to covers or frames, using hand tools.
- Build furniture up with loose fiber stuffing, cotton, felt, or foam padding to form smooth, rounded surfaces.
- Collaborate with interior designers to decorate rooms and coordinate furnishing fabrics.
- Design upholstery cover patterns and cutting plans, based on sketches, customer descriptions, or blueprints.
- Discuss upholstery fabrics, colors, and styles with customers, and provide cost estimates.
- Draw cutting lines on material following patterns, templates, sketches, or blueprints, using chalk, pencils, paint, or other methods.
- Examine furniture frames, upholstery, springs, and webbing to locate defects.
- Fit, install, and secure material on frames, using hand tools, power tools, glue, cement, or staples.
- Interweave and fasten strips of webbing to the backs and undersides of furniture, using small hand tools and fasteners.
- Maintain records of time required to perform each job.
- Make, repair, or replace automobile upholstery and convertible and vinyl tops, using knowledge of fabric and upholstery methods.
- Make, restore, or create custom upholstered furniture, using hand tools and knowledge of fabrics and upholstery methods.
- Measure and cut new covering materials, using patterns and measuring and cutting instruments, following sketches and design specifications.
- Operate sewing machines or sew upholstery by hand to seam cushions and join various sections of covering material.
- Pick up and deliver furniture.
- Read work orders, and apply knowledge and experience with materials to determine types and amounts of materials required to cover workpieces.
- Remove covering, webbing, padding, or defective springs from workpieces, using hand tools such as hammers and tack pullers.
- Repair furniture frames and refinish exposed wood.
- Sew rips or tears in material, or create tufting, using needles and thread.
- Stretch webbing and fabric, using webbing stretchers.
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- Adjust fabrics or other materials during garment production.
- Align parts or workpieces to ensure proper assembly.
- Assemble garments or textile products.
- Attach decorative or functional accessories to products.
- Confer with customers or designers to determine order specifications.
 All 22 displayed
- Adjust fabrics or other materials during garment production.
- Align parts or workpieces to ensure proper assembly.
- Assemble garments or textile products.
- Attach decorative or functional accessories to products.
- Confer with customers or designers to determine order specifications.
- Cut fabrics.
- Design templates or patterns.
- Draw guide lines or markings on materials or workpieces using patterns or other references.
- Estimate costs of products, services, or materials.
- Examine condition of property or products.
- Exchange information with colleagues.
- Measure materials to mark reference points, cutting lines, or other indicators.
- Mount materials or workpieces onto production equipment.
- Move furniture.
- Operate sewing equipment.
- Prepare fabrics or materials for processing or production.
- Read work orders or other instructions to determine product specifications or materials requirements.
- Record operational or production data.
- Repair furniture or upholstery.
- Repair textiles or apparel.
- Sew clothing or other articles.
- Shape surfaces or edges of wood workpieces.
- Aircrew Survival Equipmentman (Navy - Enlisted)
- Aviation Life Support Systems Intermediate Level Technician (Navy - Enlisted)
- Aviation Life Support Systems Organizational Level Technician (Navy - Enlisted)
- Aviation Survival Technician (Coast Guard - Enlisted)
- Automobile Upholsterer
- Furniture Upholsterer
- Upholsterer
- Upholsterer, Inside
 4 of 9 displayed
- Automobile Upholsterer
- Automobile-Upholsterer Apprentice
- Upholsterer
- Upholsterer, Inside
 All 9 displayed
- Automobile Upholsterer
- Automobile-Upholsterer Apprentice
- Furniture Upholsterer
- Furniture-Upholsterer Apprentice
- Slipcover Cutter
- Upholsterer
- Upholsterer, Inside
- Upholsterer, Limousine and Hearse
- Upholstery Repairer