Operate or tend machines to wash or clean products, such as barrels or kegs, glass items, tin plate, food, pulp, coal, plastic, or rubber, to remove impurities.
- Anodizer
- Clean in Places Operator (CIP Operator)
- Filler Operator
- Parts Cleaner
- Sanitation Technician
- Sanitation Worker
- Sanitizer
- Tub Wash Operator
- Tub Washer
- Wash Crew Person
 5 of 10 displayed
 All 10 displayed
51-4191.00 |
Heat Treating Equipment Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic |
51-6011.00 |
Laundry and Dry-Cleaning Workers
Bright Outlook
51-6061.00 |
Textile Bleaching and Dyeing Machine Operators and Tenders |
51-8091.00 |
Chemical Plant and System Operators |
51-9012.00 |
Separating, Filtering, Clarifying, Precipitating, and Still Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders |
51-9021.00 |
Crushing, Grinding, and Polishing Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders |
51-9023.00 |
Mixing and Blending Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders |
51-9051.00 |
Furnace, Kiln, Oven, Drier, and Kettle Operators and Tenders |
51-9193.00 |
Cooling and Freezing Equipment Operators and Tenders
53-7061.00 |
Cleaners of Vehicles and Equipment |
 5 of 11 displayed
- Add specified amounts of chemicals to equipment at required times to maintain solution levels and concentrations.
- Adjust, clean, and lubricate mechanical parts of machines, using hand tools and grease guns.
- Drain, clean, and refill machines or tanks at designated intervals, using cleaning solutions or water.
- Draw samples for laboratory analysis, or test solutions for conformance to specifications, such as acidity or specific gravity.
- Examine and inspect machines to detect malfunctions.
 All 11 displayed
- Add specified amounts of chemicals to equipment at required times to maintain solution levels and concentrations.
- Adjust, clean, and lubricate mechanical parts of machines, using hand tools and grease guns.
- Drain, clean, and refill machines or tanks at designated intervals, using cleaning solutions or water.
- Draw samples for laboratory analysis, or test solutions for conformance to specifications, such as acidity or specific gravity.
- Examine and inspect machines to detect malfunctions.
- Load machines with objects to be processed and unload them after cleaning, placing them on conveyors or racks.
- Measure, weigh, or mix cleaning solutions, using measuring tanks, calibrated rods or suction tubes.
- Observe machine operations, gauges, or thermometers, and adjust controls to maintain specified conditions.
- Operate or tend machines to wash and remove impurities from items such as barrels or kegs, glass products, tin plate surfaces, dried fruit, pulp, animal stock, coal, manufactured articles, plastic, or rubber.
- Record gauge readings, materials used, processing times, or test results in production logs.
- Set controls to regulate temperature and length of cycles, and start conveyors, pumps, agitators, and machines.
 5 of 15 displayed
- Adjust temperature controls of ovens or other heating equipment.
- Apply solutions to production equipment.
- Clean production equipment.
- Collect samples of materials or products for testing.
- Inspect production equipment.
 All 15 displayed
- Adjust temperature controls of ovens or other heating equipment.
- Apply solutions to production equipment.
- Clean production equipment.
- Collect samples of materials or products for testing.
- Inspect production equipment.
- Load materials into production equipment.
- Lubricate production equipment.
- Measure ingredients or substances to be used in production processes.
- Mix substances to create chemical solutions.
- Monitor instruments to ensure proper production conditions.
- Operate industrial equipment.
- Operate pumping systems or equipment.
- Record operational or production data.
- Remove products or workpieces from production equipment.
- Test chemical or physical characteristics of materials or products.
- Laundry Operator (Navy - Enlisted)
No information available.
 4 of 43 displayed
- Air-Table Operator
- Ampoule-Washing-Machine Operator
- Paint Stripper
- Precipitate Washer
 All 43 displayed
- Air-Table Operator
- Ampoule-Washing-Machine Operator
- Benzene-Washer Operator
- Bleach-Boiler Filler
- Bleacher Operator
- Bleacher, Pulp
- Blow-Pit Operator
- Branner-Machine Tender
- Brown-Stock Washer
- Cleaning Machine Tender, Semiconductor Wafers
- Container Washer, Machine
- Definer
- Deflash and Wash Operator
- Dried Fruit Washer
- Dry-Charge-Process Attendant
- Dust-Collector Attendant
- Electrode-Cleaning-Machine Operator
- Filter Washer and Presser
- Furnace-and-Wash-Equipment Operator
- Glass-Cleaning-Machine Tender
- Metal-Cleaner, Immersion
- Metal-Washing-Machine Operator
- Paint Stripper
- Precipitate Washer
- Press Operator
- Pressroom Worker, Fat
- Scrubber Machine Tender
- Silver Stripper, Machine
- Steamer
- Trommel Tender
- Tubber
- Wafer Cleaner
- Wash Helper
- Wash-House Worker
- Wash-Mill Operator
- Wash-Tank Tender
- Washer Engineer
- Washer, Agricultural Produce
- Washer, Machine
- Washing-Machine Operator
- Washroom Operator
- Wheat Cleaner
- Yeast Washer