Set up, operate, or tend continuous flow or vat-type equipment; filter presses; shaker screens; centrifuges; condenser tubes; precipitating, fermenting, or evaporating tanks; scrubbing towers; or batch stills. These machines extract, sort, or separate liquids, gases, or solids from other materials to recover a refined product. Includes dairy processing equipment operators.
- Blender
- Brewer
- Cellar Worker
- Digester Cook
- Machine Tender
- Paper Machine Tender
- Plant Operator
- Pulper Operator
- Winemaker
 5 of 10 displayed
 All 10 displayed
51-3091.00 |
Food and Tobacco Roasting, Baking, and Drying Machine Operators and Tenders |
51-3092.00 |
Food Batchmakers
Bright Outlook
51-4191.00 |
Heat Treating Equipment Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic |
51-8091.00 |
Chemical Plant and System Operators |
51-9011.00 |
Chemical Equipment Operators and Tenders |
51-9021.00 |
Crushing, Grinding, and Polishing Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders |
51-9023.00 |
Mixing and Blending Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders |
51-9041.00 |
Extruding, Forming, Pressing, and Compacting Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders |
51-9051.00 |
Furnace, Kiln, Oven, Drier, and Kettle Operators and Tenders |
51-9192.00 |
Cleaning, Washing, and Metal Pickling Equipment Operators and Tenders |
 5 of 20 displayed
- Assemble fittings, valves, bowls, plates, disks, impeller shafts, or other parts to prepare equipment for operation.
- Clean or sterilize tanks, screens, inflow pipes, production areas, or equipment, using hoses, brushes, scrapers, or chemical solutions.
- Collect samples of materials or products for laboratory analysis.
- Communicate processing instructions to other workers.
- Connect pipes between vats and processing equipment.
 All 20 displayed
- Assemble fittings, valves, bowls, plates, disks, impeller shafts, or other parts to prepare equipment for operation.
- Clean or sterilize tanks, screens, inflow pipes, production areas, or equipment, using hoses, brushes, scrapers, or chemical solutions.
- Collect samples of materials or products for laboratory analysis.
- Communicate processing instructions to other workers.
- Connect pipes between vats and processing equipment.
- Dump, pour, or load specified amounts of refined or unrefined materials into equipment or containers for further processing or storage.
- Examine samples to verify qualities such as clarity, cleanliness, consistency, dryness, or texture.
- Inspect machines or equipment for hazards, operating efficiency, malfunctions, wear, or leaks.
- Install, maintain, or repair hoses, pumps, filters, or screens to maintain processing equipment, using hand tools.
- Maintain logs of instrument readings, test results, or shift production for entry in computer databases.
- Measure or weigh materials to be refined, mixed, transferred, stored, or otherwise processed.
- Monitor material flow or instruments, such as temperature or pressure gauges, indicators, or meters, to ensure optimal processing conditions.
- Operate machines to process materials in compliance with applicable safety, energy, or environmental regulations.
- Remove clogs, defects, or impurities from machines, tanks, conveyors, screens, or other processing equipment.
- Remove full containers from discharge outlets and replace them with empty containers.
- Set up or adjust machine controls to regulate conditions such as material flow, temperature, or pressure.
- Start agitators, shakers, conveyors, pumps, or centrifuge machines.
- Test samples to determine viscosity, acidity, specific gravity, or degree of concentration, using test equipment such as viscometers, pH meters, or hydrometers.
- Turn valves or move controls to admit, drain, separate, filter, clarify, mix, or transfer materials.
- Turn valves to pump sterilizing solutions or rinse water through pipes or equipment or to spray vats with atomizers.
 5 of 24 displayed
- Adjust equipment controls to regulate flow of production materials or products.
- Adjust equipment controls to regulate flow of water, cleaning solutions, or other liquids.
- Adjust temperature controls of ovens or other heating equipment.
- Assemble machine tools, parts, or fixtures.
- Assess compliance with environmental laws.
 All 24 displayed
- Adjust equipment controls to regulate flow of production materials or products.
- Adjust equipment controls to regulate flow of water, cleaning solutions, or other liquids.
- Adjust temperature controls of ovens or other heating equipment.
- Assemble machine tools, parts, or fixtures.
- Assess compliance with environmental laws.
- Clean production equipment.
- Clean work areas.
- Clear equipment jams.
- Collect samples of materials or products for testing.
- Connect supply lines to production equipment or tools.
- Exchange information with colleagues.
- Inspect production equipment.
- Install mechanical components in production equipment.
- Load materials into production equipment.
- Maintain production or processing equipment.
- Maintain safety.
- Measure ingredients or substances to be used in production processes.
- Monitor instruments to ensure proper production conditions.
- Operate mixing equipment.
- Operate pumping systems or equipment.
- Position containers to receive materials or workpieces.
- Record operational or production data.
- Repair production equipment or tools.
- Test chemical or physical characteristics of materials or products.
 4 of 11 displayed
- Allied Trades Specialist (Army - Enlisted)
- Cannon Crewmember (Army - Enlisted)
- Machinist's Mate (Navy - Enlisted)
- Machinists Mate, Non-Nuclear, Submarine Auxiliary (Navy - Enlisted)
 All 11 displayed
- Allied Trades Specialist (Army - Enlisted)
- Cannon Crewmember (Army - Enlisted)
- Cavalry Scout (Army - Enlisted)
- Gas Turbine System Technician (Mechanical) (Navy - Enlisted)
- Machinery Technician (Coast Guard - Enlisted)
- Machinist (Marine Corps - Enlisted)
- Machinist's Mate (Navy - Enlisted)
- Machinists Mate, Non-Nuclear, Submarine Auxiliary (Navy - Enlisted)
- Torpedoman's Mate (Navy - Enlisted)
- Unit Supply Specialist (Army - Enlisted)
- Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic (Army - Enlisted)
- Buttermaker
- Cellar Worker (Wine)
- Fourdrinier-Machine Oper
- Professional Brewer
- Purification Operator Ii
- Recovery Operator (Paper)
 4 of 235 displayed
- Absorption Operator
- Acetone-Recovery Worker
- Hydrate-Control Tender
- Irish-Moss Operator
 All 235 displayed
- Absorption Operator
- Acetone-Recovery Worker
- Acetylene-Plant Operator
- Acid Extractor
- Acid Purifier
- Almond Huller
- Almond-Blancher Operator
- Amalgamator
- Ammonium-Nitrate Crystallizer
- Barley Steeper
- Basin Operator
- Batch-Still Operator I
- Batch-Tank Controller
- Bath-Mix Operator
- Bleacher, Lard
- Boiling-Tub Operator
- Bolter
- Bone-Cooking Operator
- Bottom-Precipitator Operator
- Brine-Tank-Separator Operator
- Butter Liquefier
- Buttermaker
- Carbonation Equipment Operator
- Catalyst-Recovery Operator
- Centrifugal Operator
- Centrifugal-Station Operator, Automatic
- Centrifuge Operator
- Centrifuge Operator, Plasma Processing
- Centrifuge-Separator Operator
- Centrifuge-Separator Tender
- Char-Filter Operator
- Char-Filter-Tank Tender, Head
- Chemical Reclamation Equipment Operator
- Clarifier
- Clarifier Operator
- Classifier Operator
- Classifier Tender
- Clean-Rice Grader and Reel Tender
- Coagulation Operator
- Coal Washer
- Cocoa-Bean Cleaner
- Cocoa-Butter-Filter Operator
- Cocoa-Press Operator
- Concentrator Operator
- Condenser-Tube Tender
- Cone Operator
- Continuous-Absorption-Process Operator
- Cracking-and-Fanning-Machine Operator
- Crude-Oil Treater
- Cryolite-Recovery Operator
- Crystallizer Operator I
- Dairy-Processing-Equipment Operator
- De-Alcoholizer
- De-Ionizer Operator
- Decker Operator
- Deodorizer
- Deoiling-Machine and Pasteurizing-Machine Operator
- Desulfurizer Operator
- Dethistler Operator
- Dewaterer Operator
- Diffuser Operator
- Distillation Operator
- Distiller I
- Distiller II
- Dorr Operator
- Drier Operator
- Dropper, Fermenting Cellar
- Drum Loader and Unloader
- Dry-Starch Operator, Automatic
- Dust-Collector Operator
- Egg Pasteurizer
- Egg-Breaking-Machine Operator
- Electric-Cell Tender
- Evaporator Operator
- Evaporator Operator I
- Evaporator Operator II
- Expeller Operator
- Extractor Operator
- Extractor Operator, Solvent Process
- Extractor-and-Wringer Operator
- Extractor-Machine Operator
- Extractor-Plant Operator
- Fat-Purification Worker
- Feather Separator
- Fermentation Operator
- Filter Helper
- Filter Operator
- Filter Tender
- Filter Tender, Jelly
- Filter-Press Operator
- Filter-Press Tender
- Filter-Press Tender, Head
- Filter-Tank Operator
- Filter-Tank-Tender Helper, Head
- Filtering-Machine Tender
- Filtration Operator, Polyethylene Catalyst
- Finisher Operator
- Flaker Operator
- Flash-Drier Operator
- Flavoring Oil Filterer
- Flotation Tender
- Flusher
- Fourdrinier-Machine Operator
- Fruit-Press Operator
- Germination Worker
- Glaze Handler
- Glue Maker, Bone
- Gluten-Settling Tender
- Grader Tender
- Grease-Refiner Operator
- Heavy-Media Operator
- Hide Puller
- Honey Extractor
- Honey Processor
- Hop Strainer
- Hopper Attendant
- Hot-Wort Settler
- Huller Operator
- Hydrate-Control Tender
- Irish-Moss Operator
- Iron-Launder Operator
- Kettle Operator
- Kettle Tender II
- Kettle Tender, Platinum and Palladium
- Laborer, Starch Factory
- Lard Refiner
- Leacher
- Lead Recoverer, Continuous-Naphtha-Treating Plant
- Lime-Kiln Operator
- Linter Tender
- Liquor Blender
- Lye-Peel Operator
- Malt-House Operator
- Maple-Syrup Maker
- Mash-Filter Operator
- Meat-Grading-Machine Operator
- Melter Operator
- Mercury Purifier
- Mercury Washer
- Molasses Preparer
- Molybdenum-Steamer Operator
- Monitor-and-Storage-Bin Tender
- Monomer-Purification Operator
- Naphthalene Operator
- Natural-Gas-Treating-Unit Operator
- Neutralizer
- Nitroglycerin-Separator Operator
- Nut-Sorter Operator
- Oil-Recovery-Unit Operator
- Oilseed-Meat Presser
- Opener
- Paraffin-Plant Operator
- Paraffin-Plant-Sweater Operator
- Pasteurizer
- Peanut Blancher
- Percolator Operator
- Poacher Operator
- Pond Tender
- Potato-Peeling-Machine Operator
- Precipitator I
- Precipitator II
- Press Puller
- Pressure-Tank Operator
- Processor, Grain
- Pulp-Press Tender
- Pulper Tender
- Pump Operator, Byproducts
- Purification Operator I
- Purification Operator II
- Pyridine Operator
- Recovery Operator
- Refinery Operator
- Refinery Operator, Assistant
- Refining-Machine Operator
- Rice Cleaning Machine Tender
- Riddler Operator
- Ripening-Room Attendant
- Rouge Sifter and Miller
- Rough-Rice Tender
- Salt Washer
- Save-All Operator
- Scrap Handler
- Screen Operator
- Screen Tender
- Screen Tender, Chips
- Screen-Room Operator
- Screener Operator
- Seed-Cleaner Operator
- Seed-Yeast Operator
- Separator Operator
- Separator Operator, Shellfish Meats
- Separator Tender II
- Shaker Tender
- Sheller II
- Sieve-Grader Tender
- Silica-Filter Operator
- Skin-Peeling-Machine Operator
- Slime-Plant Operator II
- Soda Dialyzer
- Soft-Sugar Operator, Head
- Sorting-Machine Operator
- Spice Cleaner
- Spiral Runner
- Starchmaker
- Steep Tender
- Stemmer, Machine
- Sterile-Products Processor
- Still Operator
- Still Operator I
- Still Operator II
- Still Operator, Batch Or Continuous
- Still Tender
- Still-Operator Helper
- Strainer Tender
- Strong-Nitric Operator
- Sublimer
- Table Tender
- Tetryl-Screen Operator
- Thickener Operator
- Threshing-Machine Operator
- Top-Precipitator Operator
- Utility Operator I
- Vacuum-Pan Operator I
- Vacuum-Pan Operator II
- Vacuum-Pan Operator III
- Washer-and-Crusher Tender
- Water-Treatment-Plant Operator
- Wax Bleacher
- Wet-End Operator II
- Wet-Plant Operator
- Winery Worker
- Winterizer
- Wringer Operator
- Yeast-Fermentation Attendant
- Zinc-Chloride Operator