Tend, control, or operate power-driven, stationary, or portable pumps and manifold systems to transfer gases, oil, other liquids, slurries, or powdered materials to and from various vessels and processes.
- Boom Pump Operator
- Chemical Pumper
- Day Light Relief Operator
- Outside Operator
- Pipeline Dispatch Operator
- Pipeline Operator
- Pump Operator
- Pump Station Operator
- Pumper
- Tank Farm Operator
 5 of 10 displayed
 All 10 displayed
51-8013.00 |
Power Plant Operators |
51-8021.00 |
Stationary Engineers and Boiler Operators |
51-8031.00 |
Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant and System Operators |
51-8091.00 |
Chemical Plant and System Operators |
51-8093.00 |
Petroleum Pump System Operators, Refinery Operators, and Gaugers |
51-9011.00 |
Chemical Equipment Operators and Tenders |
51-9012.00 |
Separating, Filtering, Clarifying, Precipitating, and Still Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders |
53-7071.00 |
Gas Compressor and Gas Pumping Station Operators |
53-7073.00 |
Wellhead Pumpers |
53-7121.00 |
Tank Car, Truck, and Ship Loaders |
 5 of 14 displayed
- Add chemicals and solutions to tanks to ensure that specifications are met.
- Clean, lubricate, and repair pumps and vessels, using hand tools and equipment.
- Collect and deliver sample solutions for laboratory analysis.
- Communicate with other workers, using signals, radios, or telephones, to start and stop flows of materials or substances.
- Connect hoses and pipelines to pumps and vessels prior to material transfer, using hand tools.
 All 14 displayed
- Add chemicals and solutions to tanks to ensure that specifications are met.
- Clean, lubricate, and repair pumps and vessels, using hand tools and equipment.
- Collect and deliver sample solutions for laboratory analysis.
- Communicate with other workers, using signals, radios, or telephones, to start and stop flows of materials or substances.
- Connect hoses and pipelines to pumps and vessels prior to material transfer, using hand tools.
- Monitor gauges and flowmeters and inspect equipment to ensure that tank levels, temperatures, chemical amounts, and pressures are at specified levels, reporting abnormalities as necessary.
- Plan movement of products through lines to processing, storage, and shipping units, using knowledge of interconnections and capacities of pipelines, valve manifolds, pumps, and tankage.
- Pump two or more materials into one tank to blend mixtures.
- Read operating schedules or instructions or receive verbal orders to determine amounts to be pumped.
- Record operating data such as products and quantities pumped, stocks used, gauging results, and operating times.
- Tend auxiliary equipment such as water treatment and refrigeration units, and heat exchangers.
- Tend vessels that store substances such as gases, liquids, slurries, or powdered materials, checking levels of substances by using calibrated rods or by reading mercury gauges and tank charts.
- Test materials and solutions, using testing equipment.
- Turn valves and start pumps to start or regulate flows of substances such as gases, liquids, slurries, or powdered materials.
 5 of 18 displayed
- Clean machinery or equipment.
- Collect samples for analysis or testing.
- Communicate with others to coordinate material handling or movement.
- Connect hoses to equipment or machinery.
- Control pumps or pumping equipment.
 All 18 displayed
- Clean machinery or equipment.
- Collect samples for analysis or testing.
- Communicate with others to coordinate material handling or movement.
- Connect hoses to equipment or machinery.
- Control pumps or pumping equipment.
- Load materials into equipment for processing.
- Maintain material moving equipment in good working condition.
- Measure the level or depth of water or other liquids.
- Monitor cargo area conditions.
- Monitor equipment gauges or displays to ensure proper operation.
- Monitor equipment operation to ensure proper functioning.
- Move materials, equipment, or supplies.
- Plan work operations.
- Receive information or instructions for performing work assignments.
- Record operational or production data.
- Report vehicle or equipment malfunctions.
- Review work orders or schedules to determine operations or procedures.
- Test materials, solutions, or samples.
 4 of 66 displayed
- Aircraft Fueling Officer (Navy - Commissioned or Warrant Officer)
- Aviation Boatswain's Mate, Fuels (Navy - Enlisted)
- In-Flight Refueling Specialist Craftsman (Air Force - Enlisted)
- In-Flight Refueling Specialist Craftsman, KC-10 (Air Force - Enlisted)
 All 66 displayed
- Aircraft Fueling Officer (Navy - Commissioned or Warrant Officer)
- Aviation Boatswain's Mate, Fuels (Navy - Enlisted)
- Aviation Boatswain's Mate, Launching and Recovery Equipment (Navy - Enlisted)
- Aviation Fuels Below Deck Operations Technician (Navy - Enlisted)
- Aviation Fuels Flight Deck Operations Technician (Navy - Enlisted)
- Aviation Fuels Shore Base Operations Technician (Navy - Enlisted)
- Aviation Support Equipment Technician (Navy - Enlisted)
- CG Smart Ship Engineering Control System Equipment (ECSE) Mechanical Operator and Maintenance Technician (Navy - Enlisted)
- Conversion NEC ABF Aviation Boatswain's Mate (Fuels) (Navy - Enlisted)
- Cryogenics Equipment Operator (Marine Corps - Enlisted)
- Damage Controlman (Coast Guard - Enlisted)
- Damage Controlman (Navy - Enlisted)
- Electromagnetic Aircraft Launching System (EMALS) Operator/Maintainer (Navy - Enlisted)
- Engineering Bulk Fuel System (Shore) Technician (Navy - Enlisted)
- Expeditionary Fuels Technician (Marine Corps - Enlisted)
- Fuels (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Fuels (Space Force - Enlisted)
- Fuels Apprentice (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Fuels Apprentice (Space Force - Enlisted)
- Fuels Craftsman (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Fuels Craftsman (Space Force - Enlisted)
- Fuels Helper (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Fuels Helper (Space Force - Enlisted)
- Fuels Journeyman (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Fuels Journeyman (Space Force - Enlisted)
- Fuels Manager (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Fuels Superintendent (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Gas Turbine System Technician (Mechanical) (Navy - Enlisted)
- In-Flight Refueling Specialist (Air Force - Enlisted)
- In-Flight Refueling Specialist Apprentice (Air Force - Enlisted)
- In-Flight Refueling Specialist Apprentice, KC-10 (Air Force - Enlisted)
- In-Flight Refueling Specialist Apprentice, KC-135 (Air Force - Enlisted)
- In-Flight Refueling Specialist Apprentice, KC-46 (Air Force - Enlisted)
- In-Flight Refueling Specialist Craftsman (Air Force - Enlisted)
- In-Flight Refueling Specialist Craftsman, KC-10 (Air Force - Enlisted)
- In-Flight Refueling Specialist Craftsman, KC-135 (Air Force - Enlisted)
- In-Flight Refueling Specialist Craftsman, KC-46 (Air Force - Enlisted)
- In-Flight Refueling Specialist Helper (Air Force - Enlisted)
- In-Flight Refueling Specialist Journeyman (Air Force - Enlisted)
- In-Flight Refueling Specialist Journeyman, KC-10 (Air Force - Enlisted)
- In-Flight Refueling Specialist Journeyman, KC-135 (Air Force - Enlisted)
- In-Flight Refueling Specialist Journeyman, KC-46 (Air Force - Enlisted)
- In-Flight Refueling Specialist Superintendent (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Machinery Technician (Coast Guard - Enlisted)
- Machinist's Mate (Navy - Enlisted)
- Machinist's Mate, Nuclear Power (Navy - Enlisted)
- Machinists Mate (Weapons) (Navy - Enlisted)
- Machinists Mate, Non-Nuclear, Submarine Auxiliary (Navy - Enlisted)
- Marine Safety Specialist Engineer (Coast Guard - Warrant Officer only)
- Naval Engineering Specialty (Coast Guard - Warrant Officer only)
- Petroleum Quality Assurance and Additization Specialist (Marine Corps - Enlisted)
- Petroleum Supply Specialist (Army - Enlisted)
- Petroleum Systems Technician (Army - Warrant Officer only)
- Quartermaster and Chemical Equipment Repairer (Army - Enlisted)
- Torpedoman's Mate (Navy - Enlisted)
- Unit Supply Specialist (Army - Enlisted)
- Water and Fuel Systems Maintenance (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Water and Fuel Systems Maintenance Apprentice (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Water and Fuel Systems Maintenance Craftsman (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Water and Fuel Systems Maintenance Craftsman, Fuel Systems Maintenance (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Water and Fuel Systems Maintenance Helper (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Water and Fuel Systems Maintenance Journeyman (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Water and Fuel Systems Maintenance Journeyman, Fuel Systems Maintenance (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Water Support Technician (Marine Corps - Enlisted)
- Water Treatment Specialist (Army - Enlisted)
- Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic (Army - Enlisted)
No information available.
 4 of 20 displayed
- Brine-Well Operator
- Cable Maintainer
- Receiver, Fermenting Cellars
- Station Engineer, Main Line
 All 20 displayed
- Brine-Well Operator
- Cable Maintainer
- Engineer, Exhauster
- Gas-Transfer Operator
- Grease-and-Tallow Pumper
- Liquor-Bridge Operator
- Monitor Car Operator
- Pigment Pumper
- Pumper
- Pumper, Brewery
- Receiver, Fermenting Cellars
- Station Engineer, Main Line
- Still-Pump Operator
- Tank Pumper, Panelboard
- Tank Tender
- Tank-Farm Attendant
- Tapper
- Utility Operator III
- Utility Worker, Production
- Wash-Oil-Pump Operator