Advise clients on financial plans using knowledge of tax and investment strategies, securities, insurance, pension plans, and real estate. Duties include assessing clients' assets, liabilities, cash flow, insurance coverage, tax status, and financial objectives. May also buy and sell financial assets for clients.
- Certified Financial Planner (CFP)
- Financial Advisor
- Financial Consultant
- Financial Counselor
- Financial Life Planner
- Financial Planner
- Investment Advisor
- Portfolio Manager
- Wealth Advisor
- Wealth Manager
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- Analyze financial information obtained from clients to determine strategies for meeting clients' financial objectives.
- Answer clients' questions about the purposes and details of financial plans and strategies.
- Conduct seminars or workshops on financial planning topics, such as retirement planning, estate planning, or the evaluation of severance packages.
- Contact clients periodically to determine any changes in their financial status.
- Devise debt liquidation plans that include payoff priorities and timelines.
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- Analyze financial information obtained from clients to determine strategies for meeting clients' financial objectives.
- Answer clients' questions about the purposes and details of financial plans and strategies.
- Conduct seminars or workshops on financial planning topics, such as retirement planning, estate planning, or the evaluation of severance packages.
- Contact clients periodically to determine any changes in their financial status.
- Devise debt liquidation plans that include payoff priorities and timelines.
- Explain to clients the personal financial advisor's responsibilities and the types of services to be provided.
- Guide clients in the gathering of information, such as bank account records, income tax returns, life and disability insurance records, pension plans, or wills.
- Implement financial planning recommendations, or refer clients to someone who can assist them with plan implementation.
- Inform clients about tax benefits, government rebates, or other financial benefits of alternative-fuel vehicle purchases or energy-efficient home construction, improvements, or remodeling.
- Interview clients to determine their current income, expenses, insurance coverage, tax status, financial objectives, risk tolerance, or other information needed to develop a financial plan.
- Investigate available investment opportunities to determine compatibility with client financial plans.
- Manage client portfolios, keeping client plans up-to-date.
- Meet with clients' other advisors, such as attorneys, accountants, trust officers, or investment bankers, to fully understand clients' financial goals and circumstances.
- Monitor financial market trends to ensure that client plans are responsive.
- Open accounts for clients, and disburse funds from accounts to creditors as agent for clients.
- Prepare or interpret for clients information, such as investment performance reports, financial document summaries, or income projections.
- Recommend environmentally responsible investments, such as cleantech, alternative energy, or conservation technologies, companies, or funds.
- Recommend financial products, such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, or insurance.
- Recommend to clients strategies in cash management, insurance coverage, investment planning, or other areas to help them achieve their financial goals.
- Recruit and maintain client bases.
- Review clients' accounts and plans regularly to determine whether life changes, economic changes, environmental concerns, or financial performance indicate a need for plan reassessment.
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- Advise others on financial matters.
- Analyze market conditions or trends.
- Assess financial status of clients.
- Compute debt repayment schedules.
- Confer with others about financial matters.
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- Advise others on financial matters.
- Analyze market conditions or trends.
- Assess financial status of clients.
- Compute debt repayment schedules.
- Confer with others about financial matters.
- Correspond with customers to answer questions or resolve complaints.
- Develop business relationships.
- Disburse funds from clients accounts to creditors.
- Educate clients on financial planning topics.
- Identify strategic business investment opportunities.
- Implement financial decisions.
- Interpret financial information for others.
- Interview clients to gather financial information.
- Prepare financial documents, reports, or budgets.
- Recommend investments to clients.
- Financial Management (Air Force - Commissioned Officer only)
- Financial Management Specialist (Marine Corps - Commissioned Officer only)
- Financial Manager (Army - Commissioned Officer only)
No information available.