Plan, coordinate, revise, or edit written material. May review proposals and drafts for possible publication.
- Acquisitions Editor
- Business Editor
- Editor
- Features Editor
- Legal Editor
- News Editor
- Newspaper Copy Editor
- Science Editor
- Sports Editor
- Web Editor
5 of 10 displayed
All 10 displayed
5 of 21 displayed
- Allocate print space for story text, photos, and illustrations according to space parameters and copy significance, using knowledge of layout principles.
- Arrange for copyright permissions.
- Assign topics, events and stories to individual writers or reporters for coverage.
- Confer with management and editorial staff members regarding placement and emphasis of developing news stories.
- Develop story or content ideas, considering reader or audience appeal.
All 21 displayed
- Allocate print space for story text, photos, and illustrations according to space parameters and copy significance, using knowledge of layout principles.
- Arrange for copyright permissions.
- Assign topics, events and stories to individual writers or reporters for coverage.
- Confer with management and editorial staff members regarding placement and emphasis of developing news stories.
- Develop story or content ideas, considering reader or audience appeal.
- Direct the policies and departments of newspapers, magazines and other publishing establishments.
- Interview and hire writers and reporters or negotiate contracts, royalties, and payments for authors or freelancers.
- Make manuscript acceptance or revision recommendations to the publisher.
- Meet frequently with artists, typesetters, layout personnel, marketing directors, and production managers to discuss projects and resolve problems.
- Monitor news-gathering operations to ensure utilization of all news sources, such as press releases, telephone contacts, radio, television, wire services, and other reporters.
- Oversee publication production, including artwork, layout, computer typesetting, and printing, ensuring adherence to deadlines and budget requirements.
- Plan the contents of publications according to the publication's style, editorial policy, and publishing requirements.
- Prepare, rewrite and edit copy to improve readability, or supervise others who do this work.
- Read copy or proof to detect and correct errors in spelling, punctuation, and syntax.
- Read material to determine index items and arrange them alphabetically or topically, indicating page or chapter location.
- Read, evaluate and edit manuscripts or other materials submitted for publication, and confer with authors regarding changes in content, style or organization, or publication.
- Review and approve proofs submitted by composing room prior to publication production.
- Select local, state, national, and international news items received from wire services, based on assessment of items' significance and interest value.
- Supervise and coordinate work of reporters and other editors.
- Verify facts, dates, and statistics, using standard reference sources.
- Write text, such as stories, articles, editorials, or newsletters.
5 of 14 displayed
- Audition or interview potential performers or staff members.
- Coordinate activities of production personnel.
- Coordinate reporting or editing activities.
- Design layouts for print publications.
- Determine presentation subjects or content.
All 14 displayed
- Audition or interview potential performers or staff members.
- Coordinate activities of production personnel.
- Coordinate reporting or editing activities.
- Design layouts for print publications.
- Determine presentation subjects or content.
- Discuss production content and progress with others.
- Edit written materials.
- Manage content of broadcasts or presentations.
- Manage operations of artistic or entertainment departments or organizations.
- Negotiate for services.
- Obtain copyrights or other legal permissions.
- Select staff, team members, or performers.
- Verify accuracy of data.
- Write informational material.
4 of 44 displayed
- Basic Combat Correspondent (Marine Corps - Enlisted)
- Broadcaster (Navy - Enlisted)
- Multimedia Director/Producer (Navy - Enlisted)
- Operations Control Center Briefing Officer (Navy - Commissioned or Warrant Officer)
All 44 displayed
- Basic Combat Correspondent (Marine Corps - Enlisted)
- Broadcaster (Navy - Enlisted)
- Chief Public Affairs NCO (Army - Enlisted)
- Combat Mass Communicator (Marine Corps - Enlisted)
- Communication Director (Navy - Enlisted)
- Communication Strategy and Operations Chief (Marine Corps - Enlisted)
- Content Manager (Navy - Enlisted)
- Conversion NEC MC Mass Communications (Navy - Enlisted)
- Creative Director (Navy - Enlisted)
- CWO - Intelligence (Navy - Warrant Officer only)
- Field Press Censorship Officer (Navy - Commissioned or Warrant Officer)
- Human Intelligence Collector (Army - Enlisted)
- Human Intelligence Specialist (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Human Intelligence Specialist Apprentice (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Human Intelligence Specialist Craftsman (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Human Intelligence Specialist Helper (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Intermediate Public Affairs Specialist (Navy - Enlisted)
- LDO - Intelligence (Navy - Commissioned Officer only)
- Mass Communications Specialist (Navy - Enlisted)
- Mass Communicator (Marine Corps - Enlisted)
- Master Photojournalist (Navy - Enlisted)
- Motion Picture and Television Project Officer (Navy - Commissioned or Warrant Officer)
- Multimedia Director/Producer (Navy - Enlisted)
- Operations Control Center Briefing Officer (Navy - Commissioned or Warrant Officer)
- Pictorial Editor (Navy - Commissioned or Warrant Officer)
- Printing and Publications Officer (Navy - Commissioned or Warrant Officer)
- Public Affairs (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Public Affairs Apprentice (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Public Affairs Craftsman (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Public Affairs Helper (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Public Affairs Journeyman (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Public Affairs Manager (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Public Affairs Mass Communication Specialist (Army - Enlisted)
- Public Affairs Specialist (Coast Guard - Enlisted)
- Public Affairs Superintendent (Air Force - Enlisted)
- Public Affairs Supervisor (Navy - Enlisted)
- Public Affairs, General (Army - Commissioned Officer only)
- Public Information Specialty (Coast Guard - Warrant Officer only)
- RL - Special Duty Officer (Public Affairs) (Navy - Commissioned Officer only)
- RL - Special Duty Officer - Intelligence Officer (Navy - Commissioned Officer only)
- Training Publications and Curriculum Officer (Navy - Commissioned or Warrant Officer)
- Visual Information Manager (Navy - Enlisted)
- Weapons Technical Information Officer (Navy - Commissioned or Warrant Officer)
- Writer (Navy - Enlisted)
No information available.
4 of 18 displayed
- Assignment Editor
- Bureau Chief
- Editor, Managing, Newspaper
- Editor, News
All 18 displayed
- Assignment Editor
- Bureau Chief
- Continuity Director
- Editor, Book
- Editor, City
- Editor, Department
- Editor, Dictionary
- Editor, Greeting Card
- Editor, Index
- Editor, Managing, Newspaper
- Editor, News
- Editor, Newspaper
- Editor, Publications
- Editor, Telegraph
- Editorial Assistant
- Program Proposals Coordinator
- Script Reader
- Story Editor