Design, fabricate, adjust, repair, or appraise jewelry, gold, silver, other precious metals, or gems.
No information available.
 5 of 10 displayed
 All 10 displayed
 5 of 29 displayed
- Buy and sell jewelry, or serve as agents between buyers and sellers.
- Clean and polish metal items and jewelry pieces, using jewelers' tools, polishing wheels, and chemical baths.
- Compute costs of labor and materials to determine production costs of products and articles.
- Construct preliminary models of wax, metal, clay, or plaster, and form sample castings in molds.
- Create jewelry from materials such as gold, silver, platinum, and precious or semiprecious stones.
 All 29 displayed
- Buy and sell jewelry, or serve as agents between buyers and sellers.
- Clean and polish metal items and jewelry pieces, using jewelers' tools, polishing wheels, and chemical baths.
- Compute costs of labor and materials to determine production costs of products and articles.
- Construct preliminary models of wax, metal, clay, or plaster, and form sample castings in molds.
- Create jewelry from materials such as gold, silver, platinum, and precious or semiprecious stones.
- Create new jewelry designs and modify existing designs, using computers as necessary.
- Cut and file pieces of jewelry such as rings, brooches, bracelets, and lockets.
- Cut designs in molds or other materials to be used as models in the fabrication of metal and jewelry products.
- Design and fabricate molds, models, and machine accessories, and modify hand tools used to cast metal and jewelry pieces.
- Determine appraised values of diamonds and other gemstones based on price guides, market fluctuations, and stone grades and rarity.
- Examine assembled or finished products to ensure conformance to specifications, using magnifying glasses or precision measuring instruments.
- Grade stones based on their color, perfection, and quality of cut.
- Lay out designs on metal stock, and cut along markings to fabricate pieces used to cast metal molds.
- Make repairs, such as enlarging or reducing ring sizes, soldering pieces of jewelry together, and replacing broken clasps and mountings.
- Mark, engrave, or emboss designs on metal pieces such as castings, wire, or jewelry, following specifications.
- Pierce and cut open designs in ornamentation, using hand drills and scroll saws.
- Plate articles such as jewelry pieces and watch dials, using silver, gold, nickel, or other metals.
- Position stones and metal pieces, and set, mount, and secure items in place, using setting and hand tools.
- Pour molten metal alloys or other materials into molds to cast models of jewelry.
- Record the weights and processing times of finished pieces.
- Research and analyze reference materials, and consult with interested parties to develop new products or modify existing designs.
- Rotate molds to distribute alloys and to prevent formation of air pockets.
- Rout out locations where parts are to be joined to items, using routing machines.
- Select and acquire metals and gems for designs.
- Shape and straighten damaged or twisted articles by hand or using pliers.
- Smooth soldered joints and rough spots, using hand files and emery paper, and polish smoothed areas with polishing wheels or buffing wire.
- Soften metal to be used in designs by heating it with a gas torch and shape it, using hammers and dies.
- Weigh, mix, and melt metal alloys or materials needed for jewelry models.
- Write or modify design specifications such as the metal contents and weights of items.
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- Adjust position of molds during processing.
- Align parts or workpieces to ensure proper assembly.
- Apply protective or decorative finishes to workpieces or products.
- Build production molds.
- Clean workpieces or finished products.
 All 31 displayed
- Adjust position of molds during processing.
- Align parts or workpieces to ensure proper assembly.
- Apply protective or decorative finishes to workpieces or products.
- Build production molds.
- Clean workpieces or finished products.
- Confer with customers or designers to determine order specifications.
- Cut industrial materials in preparation for fabrication or processing.
- Design jewelry or decorative objects.
- Determine the value of goods or services.
- Draw guide lines or markings on materials or workpieces using patterns or other references.
- Drill holes in parts, equipment, or materials.
- Engrave designs, text, or other markings onto materials, workpieces, or products.
- Estimate costs of products, services, or materials.
- Evaluate quality of materials or products.
- Heat material or workpieces to prepare for or complete production.
- Measure dimensions of completed products or workpieces to verify conformance to specifications.
- Measure ingredients or substances to be used in production processes.
- Melt metal, plastic, or other materials to prepare for production.
- Mix ingredients to create specific finishes.
- Order materials, supplies, or equipment.
- Place materials into molds.
- Polish materials, workpieces, or finished products.
- Purchase products or services.
- Record operational or production data.
- Repair precision devices or workpieces.
- Reshape small metal components for precision assembly.
- Select production input materials.
- Sell products or services.
- Shape metal workpieces with hammers or other small hand tools.
- Smooth metal surfaces or edges.
- Solder parts or workpieces.
- Allied Trades Specialist (Army - Enlisted)
 4 of 17 displayed
- Bench Hand (Jewelry-Silver)
- Bracelet & Brooch Maker
- Pewter Caster
- Pewter Fabricator
 All 17 displayed
- Bench Hand (Jewelry-Silver)
- Bracelet & Brooch Maker
- Chaser (Jewelry-Silver)
- Engine Turner (Jewelry)
- Jeweler
- Model Maker Ii (Jewelry)
- Mold Maker (Pottery & Porc)
- Mold Maker I (Jewelry)
- Mold Maker Ii (Jewelry)
- Pewter Caster
- Pewter Fabricator
- Pewter Finisher
- Pewter Turner (Silverware) C379
- Pewterer
- Silversmith Ii
- Solderer (Jewelry)
- Stone Setter (Jewelry)
 4 of 37 displayed
- Model Maker II
- Model-Maker Apprentice
 All 37 displayed
- Bead Maker
- Bench Hand
- Bench-Molder Apprentice
- Bracelet and Brooch Maker
- Caster
- Centrifugal-Casting-Machine Operator
- Chain Maker, Hand
- Chaser
- Dial Maker
- Engine Turner
- Fancy-Wire Drawer
- Gemologist
- Goldbeater
- Hammersmith
- Jeweler
- Jeweler Apprentice
- Lay-Out Worker
- Locket Maker
- Model Maker I
- Model Maker II
- Model-Maker Apprentice
- Mold Maker I
- Mold Maker II
- Mold-Maker Apprentice
- Molder, Bench
- Pearl Restorer
- Pewter Caster
- Pewter Fabricator
- Pewter Finisher
- Pewterer
- Ring Maker
- Sample Maker I
- Sample Maker II
- Silversmith II
- Solderer
- Stone Setter
- Stone-Setter Apprentice