Analyze statistical data, such as mortality, accident, sickness, disability, and retirement rates and construct probability tables to forecast risk and liability for payment of future benefits. May ascertain insurance rates required and cash reserves necessary to ensure payment of future benefits.
- Actuarial Analyst
- Actuarial Associate
- Actuarial Consultant
- Actuary
- Consulting Actuary
- Corporate Actuary
- Health Actuary
- Pricing Actuary
- Product Development Actuary
- Reserving Actuary
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- Analyze statistical information to estimate mortality, accident, sickness, disability, and retirement rates.
- Ascertain premium rates required and cash reserves and liabilities necessary to ensure payment of future benefits.
- Collaborate with programmers, underwriters, accounts, claims experts, and senior management to help companies develop plans for new lines of business or improvements to existing business.
- Construct probability tables for events such as fires, natural disasters, and unemployment, based on analysis of statistical data and other pertinent information.
- Design, review, and help administer insurance, annuity and pension plans, determining financial soundness and calculating premiums.
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- Analyze statistical information to estimate mortality, accident, sickness, disability, and retirement rates.
- Ascertain premium rates required and cash reserves and liabilities necessary to ensure payment of future benefits.
- Collaborate with programmers, underwriters, accounts, claims experts, and senior management to help companies develop plans for new lines of business or improvements to existing business.
- Construct probability tables for events such as fires, natural disasters, and unemployment, based on analysis of statistical data and other pertinent information.
- Design, review, and help administer insurance, annuity and pension plans, determining financial soundness and calculating premiums.
- Determine equitable basis for distributing surplus earnings under participating insurance and annuity contracts in mutual companies.
- Determine policy contract provisions for each type of insurance.
- Determine, or help determine, company policy, and explain complex technical matters to company executives, government officials, shareholders, policyholders, or the public.
- Explain changes in contract provisions to customers.
- Manage credit and help price corporate security offerings.
- Negotiate terms and conditions of reinsurance with other companies.
- Provide advice to clients on a contract basis, working as a consultant.
- Provide expertise to help financial institutions manage risks and maximize returns associated with investment products or credit offerings.
- Testify before public agencies on proposed legislation affecting businesses.
- Testify in court as expert witness or to provide legal evidence on matters such as the value of potential lifetime earnings of a person disabled or killed in an accident.
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- Advise customers on technical or procedural issues.
- Advise others on legal or regulatory compliance matters.
- Analyze data to identify trends or relationships among variables.
- Analyze health-related data.
- Collaborate with others to develop or implement marketing strategies.
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- Advise customers on technical or procedural issues.
- Advise others on legal or regulatory compliance matters.
- Analyze data to identify trends or relationships among variables.
- Analyze health-related data.
- Collaborate with others to develop or implement marketing strategies.
- Develop organizational goals or objectives.
- Manage financial activities of the organization.
- Negotiate contracts with clients or service providers.
- Provide customer service to clients or users.
- Testify at legal or legislative proceedings.
- Mathematics Research Officer (Navy - Commissioned or Warrant Officer)
- Operations Research and Data Analytics (Coast Guard - Commissioned Officer only)
- Statistical Data Analyst (Navy - Commissioned or Warrant Officer)
No information available.